3BAC From Product to Presentation (B-LUCA-N43951)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSDutch31 First termFirst term
De Bruyn Jan Louis (coordinator) |  De Bruyn Jan Louis |  Lantin Kristof |  Stuyven Jonathan |  Van Loon Heleen |  N.  | LessMore
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC productdesign Genk)

From product to showcase

By the end of this course, the student will be able to ...

- name and identify entrepreneurial competences (creativity, planning, cooperation, self-reliance) in themselves as strengths or weaknesses

- distinguish the different phases of a project (dreaming, planning, implementation, evaluation)

- work together in a project team with various roles and responsibilities (team leads, team production, team business and team communication)

- realize a showcase event from A to Z in a professional manner (plan, seek funding, produce, communicate, present, sell, manage budget, evaluate, ...)


up to 15 students can enroll, together they form the project team

these students have a small series of saleable products ready at the start


3 ects. 3BAC Creative entrepreneurship (B-LUCA-N62284)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment30 First termFirst term
De Bruyn Jan Louis |  Lantin Kristof |  Stuyven Jonathan |  Van Loon Heleen |  N.
LUCA POC AUDIOVISUAL ARTS & MEDIA (OC animatie, game design, televisie- film Genk)

Entrepreneurial competences should make part of your student profile and skill set. Even so for a creative and/or artistic oriented professional to be. In this course we have an open approach in the fact that we allow you to discover, learn, grow, apply, … on your own way the competences we wish to address.

We shall touch several topics related to an entrepreneurial mindset and skills. We wish to trigger brain to think about entrepreneurship or being entrepreneurial. It is not about launching a start-up or starting your own business. If focuses in a broader way on developing your own approach in these competences and the way you wish to apply and work with these.

It's about; behavior, soft skills, team dynamics, communication, ideation, creative destruction (The Why), the Canvas Model (BMC), basic financial management, IP, pitching, …

  • Lecture slides of the theoretical framework
  • Online content of related organisations and professionals
  • Advised readings
  • Expertise of invited guest speakers
  • External site visits in the field

English spoken lectures and supporting course material/guest speakers in primary Dutch but English if possible.

Theory based course sessions which provide a framework and context in which we can debate and work around the different topics.
You will compose a team and work around a general challenge. We invite guest speakers and try to make it as hands-on as possible with a combination of site visits on location.


The lessons will (largely) continue physically. Information about these lessons can be found on Toledo. Online classes & contact moments can also take place.


Practical lessons/studios/… will take place on campus (in small groups). Online contact moments and guidance sessions can also take place.


The students work individually/in a group of X students on the assignment. Information about the deadline and how to submit the assignment can be found on Toledo.


3 ects. 3BAC From Product to Presentation (B-LUCA-N62563)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical-assignment1 First termFirst term
Van Loon Heleen |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC productdesign Genk)

In this hands-on practical project, the students realize a show case event from A to Z as a team. This can be: an exhibition, print sale, artist talks, online expo, artist book, debate night, ... In addition to training in job application, teamwork and entrepreneurial competencies, the students get a concrete first (work) experience with everything that is involved when you go public with artistic work: looking for partners (location) and sponsors, writing subsidy file, communication campaigns, interaction with the public, following up customer orders, ... The students literally break out of the campus walls and go onto the market with their work.

The study material consists of ppt presentations. These are distributed through Toledo.

For internal communication with the project team(s) and collaborating on documents (planning, budget management, text documents, ...) we work with free online tools such as Google drive.

When Erasmus students participate, the collective mentoring and team discussions will be done in English.

The assignment consists of jointly organizing a show case event from A to Z.

The mentoring consists of weekly contact moments with the tutor in the initial phase of the project (dreams, plans). These are with the full group as well as in smaller teams. When the realization phase of the project starts, the teams also work together outside the contact moments in order to realize the project: acquiring sponsors, visiting the location, meeting with the bank, meeting with printers and other producers, ... The contact moments serve on the one hand as a discussion with the tutor about the state of affairs and collective decision making, on the other hand as a moment to work together with your team in the preparation of the project (work session). When the project itself starts/opens/places all students, regardless of their task, are present and help where necessary. At the end of the project there is a collective evaluation moment.

The tasks are divided among 3 teams (production - business - communication) each led by a team lead. For the division of roles, one-on-one interviews take place, the tutor decides who gets which task.


3BAC From Product to Presentation (B-LUCA-N83951)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale
N62284 - 3BAC Creative entrepreneurship1-20/20 scale
N62563 - 3BAC From Product to Presentation1-20/20 scale

- Self-assessment : 10 %.

- Peer assessment: 30

- Process evaluation: 40

- Cooperation during class moments/participation rate : 20 %

The self-assessment and peer assessment will be done via an online survey after the showcase.

This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

  • N62284 - 3BAC Creative entrepreneurship (during academic year)
  • N62563 - 3BAC From Product to Presentation (during academic year)

The second chance has a different format. The student gets a new individual assignment for a paper/project on creative entrepreneurship, collaboration in collectives and project management. No (process) tutoring is provided between the second and third exam periods.