3GD Game Based Learning (B-LUCA-N43900)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch30 First termFirst termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Clerebout Robby (coordinator) |  Clerebout Robby |  Wolfs Jonathan |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC productdesign Genk)

- The student will be able to apply game-based learning priciples and the octalysis model

- The students can approach a target group, identify needs and create a design plan

- Students will be able to develop a highly iterative process based on feedback from the target audience

- Students will deliver a game that incorporates the acquisition of extrinsic knowledge within the game system

The final competencies or program-specific learning outcomes (including behavioral indicators) for the entire Audiovisual Arts Genk program can be found under 'objectives' at course level. The following behavioral indicators are tested in this course unit: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23


3 ects. 3GD Game Based Learning (B-LUCA-N62508)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment30 First termFirst term
Clerebout Robby |  Wolfs Jonathan |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC productdesign Genk)

In this module, students will use educational design, game rhetoric and game design to develop a prototype of a game that is both engaging and informative.

The underlying philosophy is that "playing" and "learning" are very similar and that only "good" gaming can motivate the player so that a learning effect occurs.

Students apply rapid prototyping and user testing to go through multiple iterations of development.

This leads them to create a game developed in collaboration with and tailored to a particular target audience. Central to this is working around needs previously identified by students.

The assignment including accompanying information, slides and study materials will be made available through Toledo.


Digital Game-Based Learning by Marc Prensky What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy by James Paul Gee

Actionable gamification by Yu-Kai Chou


Preparing Instructional Designers for Game-Based Learning Part 1 (Hirumi et al.).

The working language of the contacts is Dutch.

If the lessons are taken by Erasmus students, the courses can be taught in English.

Documentation, guest speakers, or study visits may occasionally be given in English (or French, German,…).

This module combines lectures with practical work and feedback moments.

College: Classes may continue in part digitally. Information about these classes can be found through Toledo.

Assignment: Students work in a group on the assignment. Information about the deadline and how to submit the assignment can be found on Toledo.


3GD Game Based Learning (B-LUCA-N83900)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Project/Product, Presentation
Learning material : Computer

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

The assignment is submitted through Toledo. Information about the assignment and deadline can be found on Toledo.

Group assignment - evaluated individually.

Groups are evaluated according to the following parameters:

- Mapping of the target group

- Process of prototyping to appropriate game systems

- The educational value of the final design

- Conducting and documenting playtests with the target group

The distribution of tasks among team members should be clearly stated in the game design document.

Individual assessment is based on this information.

Participation in the first examination opportunity is a condition for participating in the resit because process evaluation is an essential part of the evaluation.​

Students who received a failing grade on the "group work" section in the first session must complete an individual replacement assignment for the retake.

Specific information about the assignment will be communicated on Toledo. 

There is no (process) supervision during the second examination period.​

The workshops/studios cannot be used during the summer closure.​

There is a limited possibility to borrow material.​