2BAC C-mine Toolkit Workshops (B-LUCA-N43809)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSDutch90 Both termsBoth termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Vaes Nathalie (coordinator) |  Vaes Nathalie |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC productdesign Genk)

As an academic art education, we guide and stimulate the personal search for artistic identity and we investigate our own medium and practice. We explore boundaries and try to break them. We use experimentation and creation to explore and reflect.

Within this 'toolkit' we offer a series of workshops, which are part of the free space within the curriculum and offer students the opportunity to tailor their personal trajectory to their own profile. In these workshops we focus on an interdisciplinary and participatory approach, which inspires the student technologically, substantively, conceptually, artistically,.... We encourage cooperation across the departments/study programs of Campus C-mine and look for crossovers.

All workshops directly or indirectly contribute to 1 or more of the 3 pillars that we hold dear at Campus C-mine:

• Creative technology and medium exploration – requires experimentation and exploring boundaries

• Context-oriented creation - requires openness to and positioning within (new) environments

• Future scenario and entrepreneurial spirit – requires reflection/vision and cooperation/co-creation

In addition, we are also looking for cooperation with national and international (educational) partners in order to join forces, to be able to offer a richer range and to inspire each other. Think of collaboration with students from RITCS (Brussels) or with teachers/students from abroad…


6 ects. 2BAC C-mine Toolkit Workshops (B-LUCA-N62405)

6 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical90 Both termsBoth terms
Vaes Nathalie |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC productdesign Genk)

The content is very diverse and is offered in workshop form. There are 3 workshop weeks, spread over the academic year.

Examples of workshops are: Virtual production, Figure drawing, Foley/Sound Design, Digital Magic, Designing/animating via VR tools, AI, Creative coding, Photobookmaking…

The working language of the contacts is Dutch.
Documentation, guest speakers or study visits may occasionally be given in English (or French, German,…).
If a workshop will be given entirely in another language, this will be clear when making the choice.

The workshops are always planned within the time frame of 1 week (4 or 5 days, unless otherwise specified). Most workshops will take place on campus during normal class hours (9am to 5pm). Some workshops can be organized outside normal class hours, on campus, online or in hybrid form. For example in function of online collaboration with students in Seoul or in function of a 48 hours hackathon/game jam... in the weekend...


2BAC C-mine Toolkit Workshops (B-LUCA-N83809)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Project/Product, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : Computer

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTALPass / Fail

Participation during contact moments forms the basis of the evaluation of each workshop. Moreover, during the workshop the student may be asked to make one or more designs, to make a report, to give a presentation...
In other words, the evaluation form can be different for the various workshops and will be communicated at the start. A workshop counts for 2 credits.
The assessment “passed” must be achieved for the 6 credits.
This course unit cannot be tolerated.
There is no resit because of the uniqueness of the working method (workshops).
If a student was legitimately absent during 1 of the workshops, we will look for an alternative (workshop/summer school/assignment), possibly during the summer holidays. The final assessment will then be postponed to September. 

No 2nd examination opportunity.

There is no resit.