Anthropology of the Arts (B-LUCA-K34315)

3 ECTSEnglish24 Second termSecond term
Veirman Anja (coordinator) |  Veirman Anja |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)


- The student has knowledge of different cultural conceptions and approaches to art, and is aware of cultural diversity in the production, role, and perception of art.

- The student has knowledge of the methods that can be used in anthropology of art to study art as a global phenomenon, and the ethical questions these methods might raise.


- The student is capable to discuss anthropological concepts and approaches, to set up research about these themes and to integrate them in a meaningful way in his/her/their personal artistic research.


- The student is aware of the impact of current culturally dominant canons and the discriminating mechanisms of (ethnocentric) mono-cultural settings and frameworks.

- The student is conscient about cultural conditioning and the importance of self-reflexivity, positioning and being situated in a cultural context in the development of his/her/their artistic practice.


The following course-specific learning outcomes and educational objectives apply:

3. Having and also continually developing knowledge and insight in the societal, cultural, artistic, historical and international context of the visual arts and the artistic practice.

4. Developing and perfecting a critical and research-driven attitude as regards designs and/or realizations resulting from visual experiments and research, emotion and intuition.         

None specific.


3 ects. Anthropology of the Arts (B-LUCA-K51196)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-assignment24 Second termSecond term
Veirman Anja |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

This course offers an introduction in the different domains of Anthropology of Art and the main research topics, discussions, and methods. Every class treats a specific theme from different angels or perspectives, introducing key concepts that are situated and explored with texts, artistic expressions, and contemporary discussions.

The goal of the classes is to reflect on the global dimensions of art creation and art production through different case studies from World Art studies and non-Western Art at the one hand. At the other hand the course offers methods to enable students to reflect on their own position in the world, focusing on self-reflexivity and sensitivity for ethnocentric visions, and to contextualize, situate and position their work in a broader cultural and historical framework.  

Themes and concepts that are addressed are:  

- anthropological methods: participant-observation, fieldwork, ethnography, co-creation

- ethnocentrism, eurocentrism, self-reflexivity, atomistic and pluriform self-image

- epistemology, ontologie, anthropocentrism and the post-Anthropocene: multispecies ethnography, non human personhood – plant relatives, plant blindness-foraging, ancestral wisdom

- the power of storytelling – myth – non-linear time concepts

- the plurivers and decolonisation

- artistic co-creation: artistic research, activism, long-term engagements, intersubjectivity

- The Origins of Art and World Art Studies: feminism, World Art History, Palaeolithic art, geometric pattern, visual regularity, symbolic code, abstract thought, symbolism, exchange or trade, shamanism, trance dance, hallucinations, anthropo-zoomorphic representations, origins of rock art, magico-religious paradigm, hunter-gatherers, fertility symbols, early forms of pornography, neuro art history, mirror neurons.

- Rituals: rite of intensification, revitalization rituals, rites of passage, life cycle, transformation, initiation, ritual death, rebirth, communitas, betwixt and between, anti-structure, transition, crisis, pre liminal, liminal, post liminal, liminoid, naming ceremony, menarche rituals, myths, storytelling, embodied/carnal knowledge, burial, funeral, ancestor, ancestor cults

- Body Modifications: tattoo, scarification, consumer culture, commodification, individual identity, group identity, the Gaze, self-expression, self-objectivation, body positivism

- Portraiture: remembrance, personality, generic portrait, emblematic portrait, representational portrait, idiosyncratic physiognomic likeness, the lens of likeness

- A History of Othering: Othering, Imperialism, extractivism, colonialism, cultural Darwinism, classification, panopticon, linear development model, progress, racism, sexism / feminism, modernity, constructed primitivism, diorama, exotism, freak show, Human Zoo, negative mirror to construct the self, cancel culture, idealized self, ethnocentrism / middle-class European culture as standard, monolithic mindset, monoculture, multiple narratives, multiple histories, gender fluidity and queer auto-theory

- Decolonization and artistic practices: Cartesian model, ontological dualism, construction of subjectivity, universalism, modernity, canon, Coloniality of Being, otherness, binaries, relationality, worlding, pluriverse, interdependence, singularization, individuation, onto-epistemologies, Sentipensar, decolonization, ancestrality, cosmology

- artistic remakes of the Archive: archive fever, the limits of the archive, multiple narratives



All the presentations and many inspiring texts are available on Toledo.


Colleges, with a wide range of audio-visual materials, and room for interaction and discussions.

The course consists of presentations and an online reader with required readings. Additional readings are available for further exploration.


Antropologie van de kunsten (B-LUCA-K74315)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

The student makes a written text (min. 3000 words): the format and style are free (paper, essay, re-imagined myth, letter, etc…), while integrating

- 10 key concepts that have been discussed in class

- 2 references to the reader (required reading)

- at least 3 other sources (60 pages research texts/articles, other sources can be added freely)


Students can take part in the exam twice during the same academic year.