This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2025.

Play and Intercultural Exchange [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-N43999)

6 ECTSEnglish48 First termFirst termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Malliet Steven (coordinator) |  Malliet Steven |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, game design, televisie-film Genk)

This course unit can also be taken by other students of the Association KU Leuven. 
Students of other higher education institutions will have to register as a LUCA Interuniversity Student. More information.

NOTE: this course unit might have restrictions on the number of participants!

In this module students will use  LARP Design and Somatic Design as research methods to organize group processes. Throughout the process the students will learn:

- To apply different approaches to these methods, in the form of participation in practical workshops that each have their own emphasis.

- To generate individual micro-narratives, in connection to a public context, and relate these to the narratives developed by other participants.

- To use a locative annotation app in order to create an overarching mapping of these micro narratives, in a mixed media form.


No specific prior knowledge is required. We expect students to have an open and artistic attitude towards meaningful play and game design.


6 ects. Play and Intercultural Exchange [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-N62614)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical-assignment48 First termFirst term
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, game design, televisie-film Genk)

The course module is divided in two parts. In the first part students are immersed, in the form of various hybrid workshops, in different methods to apply LARP and somatic design within a locative and interpersonal context. Based on these workshops, each introducing a different apporach to the above mentioned methods, they create a narrative journal in which they document their own personal and inter-personal narratives. In the second part of the course module they elaborate these micro-narratives into a larger, collective narrative architecture, using a locative annotation app (such as for example Google Open Space).


- Week 1. 6/10 (10u30-12u30). Introduction LARP design and somatic design as methods for development of group processes.

- Week 1. 6/10 (13u30-15u30). Introduction / tutorial online locative annotation platform.

- Week 2. 13/10 (13u30-17u). Workshop 1: LARP and Somatic Design in public context (o.l.v. Carina Erdmann).

- Week 3.  20/10  (13u30-17u). Workshop 2: LARP and Somatic Design in public context (o.l.v. Carina Erdmann).

- Week 4.  27/10 (13u30-17u). Workshop 3: LARP and Somatic Design in public context (o.l.v. Carina Erdmann).

- Week 5.  10/11 (13u30-17u). Workshop 4: LARP and Somatic Design in public context (o.l.v. Carina Erdmann).

- Week 6. 17/11 (13u30-17u). Collective Worlding session: development of a method to connect (inter-)personal micro-narratives to one another.

- Week 7. 24/11 (all day - flexible - appointment with tutors*). Indivudual coaching in development of mixed-media locative narration.

- Week 8. 1/12 (all day - flexible -appointment with tutors*). Indivudual coaching in development of mixed-media locative narration.

- Week 9. 8/12 (13u30-17u). Exhibition moment: narrative walkthrough in public space.


* on these tutoring sessions you do not have to be present all day, and they can also be done online. You make an appointment with your tutor at a given time slot, and that is the only  moment when your (online) presence is required

At each workshop a selection of texts and audiovisual materials will be made available, that elaborate on the methodological and topical aspects of the applied approach.

For online communication during, before and after the workshops we will make use of the Discord platform.

Workshops and introductory sessions will be held in English.

The weekly sessions adopt a practical and artistic approach (workshop format), whereby participation is connected to critical-theoretical reflection.


Play and Intercultural Exchange [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-N83999)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation
Learning material : None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Students are individually evaluated, using following criteria:

40% - Permanent evaluation based on narrative journal, participation in workshops, and progress as observed in coaching moments.

40% - Output: own contribution to the collective narrative in locative annotation app.

20% - Final presentation.

Further iteration of artistic work based on feedback of the teachers. One extra coaching moment can be provided in preparation of this.