This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2025.

Approaches of innovative teaching: global perspectives [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-L43326)

3 ECTSEnglish18 Second termSecond term
Geudens Thomas (coordinator) |  Magerman Maureen |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Leuven)

This course unit is organised by another institution of the KU Leuven Association. When you enroll, you have to make an interuniversitary enrollment for the course unit at Thomas More.
LET OP: deze cursus heeft mogelijk beperkingen op het aantal deelnemers!

The student
1) has demonstrable knowledge and practice-oriented/scientific understanding of his/her own subject discipline, subject didactics and general pedagogical-educational frameworks and their evolution. He/she has insight into the interaction between these three domains and can use and adjust them in an integrated, critical and differentiated way.

2) actively seeks out and analyses critical practice-oriented and scientific research within the three aforementioned domains of learning outcome 1. On this basis, he/she autonomously adjusts his/her own practice and takes the initiative to actively disseminate the results and their implications within the educational context.

3) can develop and justify learning and teaching processes with attention to, inter alia:

·         both independently and collaboratively;

·         from a subject-specific, multi- and interdisciplinary perspective;

·         at group and organisational level;

·         adapted to the starting situation of all learners;

·         with attention to language-sensitive learning;

·         including the design and selection of learning materials.

4) can take a reasoned position on, and actively participate in and contribute to the (inter)national public debate on current social issues and developments within the three domains mentioned earlier in learning outcome 1.

5) can take initiative and responsibility to actively seek and develop innovations from the broad research and education field independently and in partnership on the basis of practice-oriented and scientific research.

A sufficient level of English (around at least B2-level, but there is no formal check) is necessary for the course.

This course is aimed at students who are enrolled in a teacher training programme, such as an educational master. Other students are welcome, but should have an awareness and interest in teaching and be acqainted with its basic vocabulary. For practical reasons, the number of students in this course is limited to ca. 80 - 100 students, divided over the different institutions of the Association KU Leuven. In case of more enrollments than places, students who do not follow a teacher training programme will have lower priority.


3 ects. Approaches of innovative teaching: global perspectives [ASSOC][EDU] (B-LUCA-L55621)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-assignment18 Second termSecond term
Magerman Maureen |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Leuven)

The course unit
1.    reflects on a range of approaches in current education;
2.    explores innovative approaches in education;
3.    develops new approaches that enable young people to shape an interconnected future of humanity and planet.

Topic 1. Educational technology
On Friday 14 February 2025 in Bruges
In a digital age teachers are overwhelmed with online learning solution, tools and apps. There is an demand for specific competences to select a tool and then use them correctly and goal-oriëntated in the learning process. In this session we will reflect on frameworks to investigate digital learning solutions from an educational perspective. Where does digital didactics strengthen the learning process? What are the threats? Students will be introduced to a number of concrete applications that can enhance formative assessment, personalization, interaction and motivation. Also emerging technologies as artificial intelligence and extended reality in the classroom will be discussed.
Topic 2. Synchronous hybrid leren
On Friday 28 February 2025 in Antwerpen
Hybrid finds its peers in such terms as blended, hyflex, comodal, synchronous and online teaching/learning which doesn’t make for a clear understanding but rather spikes misconceptions and confusion. During the introduction to this innovative approach of teaching, the following aspects will be analysed: pedagogical challenges, student engagement in a hybrid setting, unravelling the complexity of effective hybrid learning environments, technological challenges: learning & teaching space: toolset perspectives and effective scenarios/protocols in a hybrid setting.
We also discuss its added value to your course design and the differences with a traditional face-to-face setting.
Topic 3. The classroom expanded
On Friday 14 March 2025 in Gent
In this module, students are challenged to lift the boundaries of the classroom to include social, cultural, museal and public practices. The expanded classroom is enriched by collaboration and inclusion through openness and social awareness.
Topic 4. Transformative education
On Firday 28 March 2025 in Leuven
Raising adolescents as engaged global citizens and changemakers for sustainable development challenges teachers to transform their teaching methodologies. In this module, we investigate how teachers can encourage their students to listen and question for deep understanding, envision complex systems and possible futures, and participate as agents of change.
Topic 5. Virtual reality 1
On Friday 4 April 2025 in Antwerp (TBD)

How can AR/VR (augmented and virtual reality) be used to address difficult topics such as biology, global citizenship and art education?

  • History of augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality and its technology
  • Augmented reality in your class room: possibilities
  • Applications that help you to incorporate augmented/virtual reality into your lessons

Topic 6. Virtual reality 2
On Friday 25 April 2025 in Brussels

This session, we'll delve deeper into VR. You'll have hands-on experience with the Meta Quest 2 VR headset and learn how to effectively manage these devices in your classroom. Additionally, we'll explore the process of creating your own VR experiences.
How can AR/VR (augmented and virtual reality) be used to address difficult topics such as bioeconomy, global citizenship and art education?

Lesson-supporting PowerPoint presentations and additional documentation to support lessons and for self-study appear on Toledo.
Current resources are displayed or communicated in the online learning environment.

This course unit involves travelling by train to the different lesson locations. Students should take into account a maximal cost of € 70.

This course is open to all international teaching training students in Association KU Leuven and is therefore taught in English. 

During ca. 18 contact hours, spread over 6 days on 6 different locations throughout Flanders, lectures and group assignments will be organised. Students can travel by train to the different locations.

In the afternoon, students can opt-in for an international activity at the location where the lesson takes place.


Approaches of innovative teaching: global perspectives [ASSOC][EDU] (B-LUCA-L83326)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTALPass / Fail

At the end of the course unit, students realise a group assignment in small groups of at least 2 people and a maximum number of students that still allows everyone to make a substantial contribution. In this group work, students prepare a short 5- to 10-minute joint presentation on their own campus. This short presentation can be in a format of their own choice, but includes at least one poster, image or short video that can serve as a summary or overview. This can be supplemented with other materials. All students in the group attend their own presentation, which takes place during the second examination period.

For the presentation, students choose one (possibly: several) innovative teaching approaches demonstrated during the course and translate them to their own teaching subject and context. To do so, they look for additional or background information and for a way to apply this approach in classroom practice through exercises, lesson plans, a learning line, or a similar format.

The assignment is evaluated by supervising lecturers from their own institution. Students can only pass if they were physically present for at least five of the six sessions (except for attested absences). 

The assignment is evaluated with pass/fail.

Evaluations that are (unjustifiably) not submitted on time will not be assessed.

All communication on this course unit is via the Canvas or Blackboard environment of this course unit.

The second examination opportunity follows the same modalities as the first examination opportunity. Any exceptions will be communicated via the Canvas or Blackboard environment of this course unit.