This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2025.

Issues in Music Education [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-L42986)

3 ECTSEnglish18 Second termSecond term
De Baets Thomas (coordinator) |  De Baets Thomas |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Leuven)

This course unit can also be taken by other students of the Association KU Leuven. 
Students of other higher education institutions will have to register as a LUCA Interuniversity Student. More information.

NOTE: this course unit might have restrictions on the number of participants!

At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

  • situate and explain a number of current research themes in music education;
  • integrate music educational and general educational conceptual frameworks when discussing concrete research themes;
  • make connections to existing theoretical insights and current research themes when reflecting on their own music education practice;
  • provide concrete examples of music education practices as illustrations of current research themes.

No specific requirements.
This course unit can also be taken by KU Leuven students.
But there are restrictions on the number of participants.

Specific guidelines for KU Leuven students interested in taking this course:
- Register via as 'interuniversity student'.
- Indicate your student number, the campus and the name of the course unit you wish to take.
- LUCA School of Arts will then inform you about the further course of action.
Note: the application is not sufficient as a registration!


3 ects. Issues in Music Education [ASSOC][EDU] (B-LUCA-L55216)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical18 Second termSecond term
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Leuven)

Music education is constantly evolving. In this course, current research themes and issues are introduced and analysed.

Each lesson explores one of the following themes:

  • Research traditions in music education
  • Music education philosophy
  • Improvisation and creation
  • Community music
  • A brief history of ‘school music’ in Flanders
  • An international/comparative perspective on music education
  • Music education and technology
  • The profile of the music teacher
  • Listening as central musical behavior
  • Vocal and instrumental development

Powerpoints (in English) during class and available on Toledo.

Articles and literature (partly depending on actual developments in music education).

Selection of literature (academic year 2022-2023):

Bowman, W. (2012). Music’s place in education. In G. McPherson, & G. Welch (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Music Education (Vol. 1) (pp. 21-39). Oxford University Press.

Espeland, A., Kvile, S., & Holdhus, K. (2021). Teacher agency and teacher improvisation: A study of experienced teachers and student teachers in music classrooms. Research Studies in Music Education, 43(3), 311-328.

Hennessy, S. (2016). Researching music education in Europe. In T. De Baets, G. Sammer, & A. de Vugt (Eds.), International cooperation (European perspectives on music education, Vol. 5) (pp. 185-195). Helbling.

Kertz-Welzel, A. (2005). The pied piper of Hamelin: Adorno on music education. Research Studies in Music Education, 25, 1-10.

Regelski, T. (2007). ’Music Teacher’ – Meaning and Practice, Identity and Position. Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education, 6(2).

Schippers, H. (2010). Facing the music: Shaping music education from a global perspective. Oxford University Press. (Chapter 6)

Tse, M. (2018). The Work-Concept and the Wind Band. Canadian Music Educator, 59(2), 18–22.

Verneert, F., Nijs, L., & De Baets, T. (2021). A space for collaborative creativity. How collective improvising shapes 'a sense of belonging'. Frontiers In Psychology, 12, Art.No. 648770, 1-17.

The course is taught in English.

The course consist of instructional sessions, discussion lectures and group assignments. Students are expected to study the requested course material before the meetings. Communication about the various assignments and deadlines is done via Toledo.


Issues in Music Education [ASSOC][EDU] (B-LUCA-L82986)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

The oral examination takes place in the second examination period.

The student studies 7 of the 9 themes covered and one theme of his/her choice in more depth.

Fifteen minutes before the start of the oral exam, the student is given a form on which he indicates the 7 themes chosen and the theme of his/her choice.

The oral exam itself lasts 15 minutes and contains both open and closed questions. The student is given 2 main questions (and then supplementary questions) on the whole of the course (OPO), and 2 main questions (and then supplementary questions) on the chosen theme.

Not participating in the exam results in an NA (not present) for the OPO.