This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2025.

The Practice of Everyday [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K44561)

6 ECTSEnglish24 First termFirst term
Geerts Bart (coordinator) |  Geerts Bart |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC beeldverhaal, fotografie, media- en informationdesign, vrije kunsten Brussel)

This course unit can also be taken by other students of the Association KU Leuven. 
Students of other higher education institutions will have to register as a LUCA Interuniversity Student. More information.

NOTE: this course unit might have restrictions on the number of participants!

At the end of this OPO the student is able to:

  • critically assess the position and potential of a daily practice in the work of the artists and writers that have been discussed;
  • develop a daily practice in relation to own artistic work and visual language;
  • present and conceptualise the outcome of an experimental daily practice carried out during the course;
  • critically value a daily practice as an artistic research method;
  • discuss the critical and political potential of daily practices in general;
  • co-organise a research seminar on the topic of daily practices in artistic research.

No specific previous knowledge is required.

Students need to be interested in developing a daily practice as an undercurrent, exercise and training for other work.

Students need to be willing to explore daily practices in different disciplines.

Students are prepared to actively participate in group discussions and presentations.

Students are willing to collaborate in the organisation of a research seminar.

Students from KU Leuven who are not enrolled in an artistic MA programme need to have an interest in contemporary art practices and a willingness to explore and test artistic research methods.


6 ects. The Practice of Everyday [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K64968)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment24 First termFirst term
Geerts Bart |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC beeldverhaal, fotografie, media- en informationdesign, vrije kunsten Brussel)

Artists and researchers often use a specifically defined daily routine throughout their career: they use sketchbooks or diaries, they do daily observation exercises, or they follow a strict routine to organise their day. Sometimes this practice becomes part of their ‘public’ work, sometimes it remains below the radar but acts as a specific working and research method that feeds into other projects. This course will offer a critical perspective on the development of a daily practice both as an undercurrent/exercise/training of an artistic practice and as an artistic research method to develop one’s critical position as an artist. One the one hand, the students will be invited to experiment with and to develop their own daily practice during the course. On the other hand, we critically will assess the position and potential of such research practices by looking at diverse examples of artists, writers, and scientists.

All reference material and a reading list will be shared on Toledo.

A mix of working formats will be used. Class time will mainly be used for short presentations, group discussions, preparation of the research seminar and feedback sessions. Students will have to do close readings of text material in order to prepare for classes. Each student develops a project based on a daily routine during the course. During the course students will organise a research seminar to bring together and challenge different insights on the topic.


The Practice of Everyday [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K84561)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

The evaluation will be based on the following elements:

  • participation during classes: students are expected to actively participate in group discussions and in preparing the research seminar (20%)
  • the quality of a personal portfolio that reflects the process of a daily practice project (40%)
  • an oral examination in which the student presents the personal portfolio, positions it in a broader context of daily practices and, based on that, engages in a critical discussion  (40%)

The date of the oral examination is also the deadline for submitting the personal portfolio.

The redo examination follows the same modalities as the regular examination. The score for participation during classes will be the same as for the first examination. If the quality of the personal portfolio received a 10+ mark, students can re-use the same portfolio for the oral examination. If not, they have to present a new portfolio.