This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2025.

Too Body To Fail [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K35137)

6 ECTSEnglish1 First termFirst term
Venrooij Esther (coordinator) |  Ginckels Pieterjan |  Venrooij Esther |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

This course unit can also be taken by other students of the Association KU Leuven. 
Students of other higher education institutions will have to register as a LUCA Interuniversity Student. More information.

NOTE: this course unit might have restrictions on the number of participants!

Contemporary developing art and design practices are performative: as we produce, we engage in permanent exposure. We move through studio visits, act out desk crits, and feed our screens with cultivated online personae. Always on, online, live. Practice is also collective, in conversation, networked, and public: By immersing in performance experiments, we will expand our experiences and understanding of the performative and physical/virtual presence of ourselves and our practice. Moreover architects and artists share a role, as their physical presence is crucial in understanding, becoming, making - in connection with varying users and audiences. In a series of workshops, we will explore the fundamentals of performance, and try out practices of embodiment. We will actively and collectively investigate performance as constructing bodily awareness, group sensitivities, spatial generosity, and collaboration.

- The student is able to contextualise performace practice in architecture and fine arts.

- The student will gain historical knowledge of performance and practices of embodiment.

- The student is able to share performative knowledge with the class (and a wider audience). The student is able to intergrade their knowledge of practice of embodiment in their own artistic and spatial practice.

- The student will develop critical thinking within a practice of embodiment.


Based on these objectives, the following OLRs are realized: 3, 4, and 5. 3. To develop knowledge and insight into the social, cultural, artistic, historical and international context of the fine arts and artistic praxis. 4. To develop and sharpen a critical and investigative attitude towards designs and/or realizations that arise from visual experiments and research, emotion and intuitiveness. 5. To develop an (audio)visual language, start from curiosity with a self-reflective attitude."


6 ects. Too Body To Fail [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K51737)

6 ECTSEnglish1 First termFirst term
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

Contemporary developing art and design practices are performative: as we produce, we engage in permanent exposure. We move through studio visits, act out desk crits, and feed our screens with cultivated online personae. Always on, online, live. Practice is also collective, in conversation, networked, and public: By immersing in performance experiments, we will expand our experiences and understanding of the performative and physical/virtual presence of ourselves and our practice.

Moreover architects and artists share a role, as their physical presence is crucial in understanding, becoming, making - in connection with varying users and audiences. In a series of workshops, we will explore the fundamentals of performance, and try out practices of embodiment. We will actively and collectively investigate performance as constructing bodily awareness, group sensitivities, spatial generosity, and collaboration.

Through a performative practice the participants of this seminar explore engaging performative strategies beyond disciplinary boundaries. We will explore various aspects of improvisation and real-time composition, in dialogue with contemporary themes and politics, education, and society at large. We will step outside the studio, and deploy performance as a tool to disrupt real-life situations. TOO BODY TO FAIL deepens the understanding of “the self” and guides students towards critical positions to positively and productively engage with the worlds around them.

Keywords: performance, cooperative, body awareness, exchange, workshop, embodiment.

For this course you need to bring comfortable clothes  and be clean:

1) A shirt with long sleeves, long (sweat) pants and light sneakers.

2) Being respectful to others means wearing clean clothes to each class. The clothes need to be washed between classes. Attend to your personal hygiene. Shower, fresh breath and use antiperspirant or deodorant (and keep some deodorant in your bag before coming to class).

The course will be in English and is open to students from Architecture and Fine Art.

We wil organise movement classes, lectures and performance events in and outside of school.


Too Body To Fail [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K75137)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

We will evaluate every week, and organize a final presentation (exam) at the end of the course.

We wil organise movement classes, lectures and performance events in and outside of school.