This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2025.

Exploring Fiction, Sharing Reality [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K34365)

6 ECTSEnglish24 Second termSecond term
Van Imschoot Tom (coordinator) |  Van Imschoot Tom |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

This course unit can also be taken by other students of the Association KU Leuven. 
Students of other higher education institutions will have to register as a LUCA Interuniversity Student. More information.
NOTE: This course has limitations on the number of participants!
Three places have been reserved for students of the Faculty of Architecture. They are assigned based on the elective choice as organized by the Faculty of Architecture itself.

Intellectual-artistic basis

- The student can envision, identify and develop different kinds of fiction and understand how it works as a medium (knowledge, skill)

- The student can reflect on the status of fiction and reality within the art field, past and present. (skill)

- The student can trace, denote and work with the notion of fiction, non-fiction and essayism in his own artistic project. (skill, attitude)

- The student is aware of the influence of fictive and non-fictive traditions on his or her own artistic practice. (attitude)

Research attitude

- The student can use theoretical and critical input to gain insights and develop working methods for his or her own practice. (knowledge, skill)

- The student can engage in a dialogue with teachers and fellow-students in order to sharpen and (re)direct his or her own views. (skill, attitude)

- The student is able to actively research – individually and collectively – which literary concepts and artistic strategies might fuel his or her own artistic trajectory. (knowledge, skill, attitude)

- The student is able to integrate critical, analytical and theoretical insights in a self-made work of fiction (knowledge, skill).


- The student is able to cooperate with fellow-students in order to conceive and present a fiction and/or an essay. (skill, attitude)

- The student can publicly reflect on his or her own process, and relate this process to his own artistic trajectory. (skill)

- The student is able to write an essay that critically scrutinizes the possibilities of fiction and the impact of its trajectory on his or her own artistic project, e.g. in a story of his of her own (skill, attitude)

- The student can start a dialogue with different kinds of audiences. (skill)

- The student is disciplined and autonomous enough so as to sustain and develop his or her own practice in a changing societal environment. 

- The student is able to take final responsibility in the realisation of an (artistic) project.

The student must have followed all Bachelor’s degree courses before or must take up remaining courses of the Bachelor’s degree simultaneously with the master’s seminar.

This course is identical to the following courses:
K34301 : Master's Seminar: Literature II (No longer offered this academic year)


6 ects. Exploring Fiction, Sharing Reality (B-LUCA-K51276)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-assignment24 Second termSecond term
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

Do we need fiction? And if so, why? Can’t we confront reality as such? 

This master seminar starts from the observation that it is impossible to imagine the (or any) world without fiction. The very idea of a unified world itself is already a fiction. Fiction therefore, it seems, is not only something that doesn’t exist or that is purely made-up, as commonsense wants you to believe. It is an often unseen yet undeniable part of the way in which we construct and inhabit our everyday world - take your own self-image as a simple example. Fiction is part of the world(s) we share, making it shareable in a specific way. 

This is the point where art comes in. How does literary (or artistically forged) fiction relate to the fictions we live by, the fictions we share as part of our world-making and that shape our cultural horizon? Is fiction a way to avoid or escape reality, or a way to confront and come to terms with it? What makes the difference? And what are we ourselves looking for when we enter a literary fiction? Bliss, forgetfulness? Or the flesh of reality itself, its ungraspable truth made tangible?

In order to get a grip on these research questions we will both study the use(s) of fiction in our own time and make one of our own, bringing together a diversity of individual inroads on the labyrinth between fantasy and truth. We’ll start out from collective reflection, reading and watching (both theoretically and artistically, featuring e.a. D.W. Winnicott, Olivia Laing, Oliver Sacks, Walter Benjamin, Mark Fisher, Adam Curtis, Sianne Ngai, Franz Kafka, Jorge Luis Borges, Marguerite Duras, Italo Calvino, Audre Lorde, Toni Morrison,…) And we will gradually mix the collective reflection more and more with feedback sessions (individually, or peer to peer) that will help you to develop and share your own reflective fiction. In sum, one could say that we will explore the ins and outs of fiction in order to understand what we share in reality, why we need fiction to do so and, last but not least, so as to question the very reality we share: what reality, whose reality, the reality of ‘climate change’, the reality of an arrested future, your personal one? Or is fiction the very medium humankind has at its disposal (developed for what reason?) to actually mediate between the micro and macro, personal and impersonal issues of life? 

If you are interested in a time-based, critical analysis how fictions shape our reality and want to explore yourself how artistic or self-aware fictions are able to mediate (or remediate) the relation between the real and the unreal, the false and the true: this seminar is the place for you to be. You will be warmly encouraged to develop your own reflective take on fiction, for instance by focusing on a specific interest in illusions, in magic, in the apocalyptical, in ideology, in truthseeking, in prophesy, in hallucinations or other nearby notions. And ultimately, you will be stimulated to find out in practice whether you want to use fiction in your own work as a means to celebrate the potential of the imagination, as a tool to pass beyond the illusions we live by or as a necessary detour to get closer to a shared reality. Fiction will become a matter of aesthetics, ethics and politics, but above all: a medium that is fun to play with.

Reader of essays and fictions will be available via Toledo. List of must-see-films and must-read-novels. 

Reseach seminar with theoretical input, collective reading and watching, stimulating discussions on film and literature, alternated with working sessions, peer to peer-feedback and group presentations. If needed, due to the corona-crisis and in response to the sanitary measures in place at the time, the seminar will be held partly or mainly online. In that case, the schedule of the seminar can be rearranged as well in order to find a productive balance between meeting virtually and irl, reading, writing and discussing.


Exploring Fiction, Sharing Reality (B-LUCA-K74365)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Evaluation form: participation (20%) and continous devolopment of a story / essay (80%). 

Your participation to the master seminar amounts to 20 % of the total amount of the master seminar's evaluation and comprises reading assignments, active participation to the discussion and participation to the feedback-procedure (individually and peer tot peer). 

Number of evaluation opportunities: 2 evaluation opportunities per year


If participation is insufficient or when a group or individual presentation / feedback round is missed, the student will have to comply to an additional reading/writing assignment.