3GD International Game Lab (B-LUCA-N43902)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSEnglish30 Second termSecond term
Malliet Steven (coordinator) |  Malliet Steven |  N.
LUCA POC AUDIOVISUAL ARTS & MEDIA (OC animatie, game design, televisie- film Genk)

Cultural and digital literacy and communication in international, online context

Research-based game design, translating research goals into game mechanics and dynamics

Collaborative generation of ideas for storytelling and game play

Elaboration of ideas into a game concept

Development of a production pipeline for game development

(Depending of student role in the team) practical elaboration: concept art, asset creation (modeling, rigging, texturing, shading, …), animation, level development, programming

Students are familar with the basic methods and practices of iterative game design, documentation and testing.


3 ects. 3GD International Game Lab (B-LUCA-N62510)

3 ECTSEnglish30 Second termSecond term
LUCA POC AUDIOVISUAL ARTS & MEDIA (OC animatie, game design, televisie- film Genk)

Students collaborate in international and multidisciplinary groups, and design a game inspired by a research topic proposed by the mentors from both schools involved.

Students develop a production pipeline for this game and create a demo (audiovisual and/or interactive) that showcases the gameplay.

We will set up an online collaborative work/learning environment, where students meet on a weekly basis to communicate, co-design and coordinate their production process.

De opdracht incl. begeleidende informatie en studiemateriaal wordt ter beschikking gesteld via Toledo.

Depending on the specific case (and associated research project) students will be offered a selection of reference works, texts and tutorials on Toledo or other.

Voertaal van de contacten is Nederlands.

(The language of the contacts is Dutch).

Documentatie, gastsprekers of studiebezoeken kunnen occasioneel in Engels (of Frans, Duits,…) worden gegeven.

(Documentation, guest speakers or study visits can occasionally be given in English (or French, German,…).

Progress in the project is discussed during weekly online meetings that take the form of co-creative workshops.

Three milestones are defined (design document, creation of assets, creation of demo), during wihich students present their work to the entire group.


3GD International Game Lab (B-LUCA-N83902)

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

25% contribution to research: game design documentation, creation assets, concept art 

25% permanent evaluation based on weekly progress  

50% contribution to final prototype

No 2nd examination opportunity.

Reworking the final prototype, in dialogue with group members.