3GD Emergent (Game) Interfaces (B-LUCA-N43899)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch30 First termFirst termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Wolfs Jonathan (coordinator) |  Wolfs Jonathan |  N.
LUCA POC AUDIOVISUAL ARTS & MEDIA (OC animatie, game design, televisie- film Genk)

Students are experimenting with a selection of new game interfaces and working together to create a game that utilizes these interfaces.
The goal is to develop a playable and presentable prototype that innovatively leverages the adopted interface.
This will be done through an iterative process.


The final competences or program-specific learning outcomes (including behavioral indicators) for the entire program of Audiovisual Arts in Genk

In this course, the following behavioral indicators are assessed: 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

It is expected that the student is proficient in Unity.

Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.

FLEXIBLE( N43584 )

The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
N43584 : 2GD Personal Project Game


3 ects. 3GD Emergent (Game) Interfaces (B-LUCA-N62507)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment30 First termFirst term
Wolfs Jonathan |  N.
LUCA POC AUDIOVISUAL ARTS & MEDIA (OC animatie, game design, televisie- film Genk)

Students are experimenting with a selection of new game interfaces and creating a game in groups that utilize these interfaces.
The goal is to develop a playable and presentable prototype that innovatively utilizes the adopted interface.
This will be done through an iterative process.

Students are required to bring their own laptop/PC with a free Unity license.
Depending on the topic, the necessary hardware will be provided by the instructor.

The assignment, along with accompanying information and study materials, will be made available through Toledo.

The language of instruction is Dutch for the contact moments.

If the classes are attended by Erasmus students, the courses can be taught in English.

Documentation, guest speakers, or study visits may occasionally be conducted in English (or French, German, etc.).

This module combines lectures with practical work and feedback sessions.


The classes will mostly take place in person. Information about these classes can be found on Toledo. There may also be online classes and contact moments.


Practical lessons/workshops/... will take place on campus in small groups. There may also be online contact moments and guidance sessions.


Students will work individually/in a group of X students on the assignment. Information about the deadline and how to submit the assignment can be found on Toledo.


3GD Emergent (Game) Interfaces (B-LUCA-N83899)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation
Learning material : Computer

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

The assignment will be submitted via Toledo. Information about the assignment and deadline can be found on Toledo. We expect the following:
- An Itch.io page link
- A gameplay video of the submitted project
- Accompanying documentation if applicable

Group assignment - individually assessed.

The groups will be evaluated based on the following parameters:
- The game functions and is playable.
- The game concept is strongly linked to the unique aspects of the controller.
- The game utilizes the unique aspects of the controller in an innovative way.
- The game looks polished and clear.
- The application of the controller works and is a significant part of the game.

The division of tasks among team members must be clearly stated in the initial presentation.

Individual assessment will be based on this information.

In Emergent (Game) Interfaces, the following agreements apply:
- The student is responsible for seeking regular feedback and incorporating it into their work.
- Deadlines are strictly adhered to unless approved by the instructor.

Participation in the first exam opportunity is a requirement to be eligible for the resit because process evaluation is an essential part of the assessment.

Students who receive a failing grade in the "group work" component during the first exam session must complete an individual replacement assignment for the resit.

Specific information about the assignment will be communicated on Toledo.

There will be no (process) guidance during the second exam session.

The workshops/studios cannot be accessed during the summer break.

There is limited availability for borrowing materials.