1ANI Animation Film Presentation and Research (B-LUCA-N43753)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSDutch50 Both termsBoth termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Loenders Toon (coordinator) |  Loenders Toon |  Mommen Stijn |  N.
LUCA POC AUDIOVISUAL ARTS & MEDIA (OC animatie, game design, televisie- film Genk)


3 ects. 1ANI Presentation and Portfolio (B-LUCA-N62338)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment26 First termFirst term
Mommen Stijn |  N.
LUCA POC AUDIOVISUAL ARTS & MEDIA (OC animatie, game design, televisie- film Genk)

    3 ects. 1ANI Animation Special Techniques (B-LUCA-N62339)

    3 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical-assignment24 Second termSecond term
    Loenders Toon |  N.
    LUCA POC AUDIOVISUAL ARTS & MEDIA (OC animatie, game design, televisie- film Genk)


      1ANI Animation Film Presentation and Research (B-LUCA-N83753)

      Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
      Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
      Learning material : Course material, Computer

      AssessmentGrading scale
      TOTAL1-20/20 scale
      N62338 - 1ANI Presentation and Portfolio1-20/20 scale
      N62339 - 1ANI Animation Special Techniques1-20/20 scale


      Following parts of this course unit cannot be retaken during the same academic year. The score obtained for the component is valid for the first and the second examination opportunity.

      • N62339 - 1ANI Animation Special Techniques

      This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

      • N62338 - 1ANI Presentation and Portfolio (during academic year)