Studio Mixed Media: Reflections and Skills 4 (B-LUCA-K35131)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch24 Second termSecond term
Moortgat Karel (coordinator) |  Crabbé Sofie |  Delanghe Chloe |  Moortgat Karel |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

During studio visits, museum visits, screenings and/or lectures, the student familiarise themselves with various art practices, methodologies (the methods used in the creative process) and presentation forms used by professional artists and curators.

During active group sessions, the student is challenged to verbally adopt an personal artistic position and to compare these methods and practices to their own practice, methodology and forms of spatial presentation against those of artists and curators in the artistic field.

Based on these case studies, the student learns to make the connection between their own practice, methodology and presentation of their work.


3 ects. On Methodology 2 (B-LUCA-K51731)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Bachelor's paper24 Second termSecond term
Crabbé Sofie |  Delanghe Chloe |  Moortgat Karel |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

The didactic methods for this course include (online) lectures, studio visits, museum visits, lectures, active group sessions and presentations.

Dutch / English

Various working methods can be used for this OPO (excursions, lectures online or on campus, presentations).



Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Partial evaluation, with deadline for submitting 'individual assignment 2 (paper/report/presentation)' during the exam period in the second semester.

Several forms of evaluation can be used (writing a report, a paper, a self-assessment or giving a presentation).

Paper/report/presentation: The student writes an 'individual assignment 2' and submits it without additional explanation.

In the 'individual assignment 2 (paper/report/presentation)', the student reflects on their own practice, methodology and forms of spatial presentation, as well as on the practices, methodologies and forms of spatial presentation discussed.

Active participation during contact hours: Students are evaluated during contact hours.

Participation rate: The participation of the student over the entire year counts for 20% in the final calculation of the score of the course unit. It involves various forms of 'active participation', ranging from active listening, asking and answering questions.

By participation we empahsize attitude-oriented elements such as active participation in the lessons and a strong commitment to the subject matter. In concrete terms, this participation means that the students listen to and ask questions about the practice, methodology and forms of spatial presentation of fellow students, professional artists and curators; as well as answer questions about their own practice, methodology and forms of spatial presentation.

Same modalities as for the first exam opportunity.

'Active participation during contact hours' - participation rate:

The score obtained on 'active participation during contact hours' obtained during the first examination opportunity remains unchanged.

Weight/weighing of evaluation items:

The final result is determined by a composite figure:

20% on cooperation during contact moments/participation (degree)
80% 'Individual assignment 2 (paper/report/presentation)'

The grade for cooperation during contact moments is retained for the second examination opportunity and cannot be retaken.

Partial transfers possible:

Partial transfers are in effect for 'Individual assignment 2 (paper/report/presentation)'. The assessment 'passed' is taken over for these components in the resit. Only the components for which the student failed will be retaken.