Master's Degree Project: Photography (B-LUCA-K34384)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
21 ECTSDutch378 Both termsBoth terms
Huyghe Bert (coordinator) |  De Pelsmacker Hans |  Guns Tine |  Huyghe Bert |  Kerkhofs Roel |  Moortgat Karel |  Morrens Peter |  Venrooij Esther |  Verlaak Patrick |  Vermeersch Robin |  Volckaert Didier |  N.  | LessMore
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Gent)

Intellectual-artistic basis

- The student is able to name the elements that are important in building his/her artistic career (both in practice and on a theoretical level). (knowledge and insight)

- The student is able to place or integrate his or her work in a meaningful way in a broader context. (skill)

Artistic autonomy

- The student shows progress in the development of a consistent artistic career built on content. (skill)

- The student is able to show personal artistic works that are wilful, precious and compelling (at the final jury presentation). (skill)

- The student can function independently in the world of contemporary art and/or design (attitude)

Technical insight

- The student is able to bend the acquired technical knowledge in function of his/her own imagery. (skill)


- The student is able to clarify and discuss his or her own artistic track verbally. (skill)

Research-oriented attitude

- The student is able to develop his or her own critical working process through research and experimentation. (skill)

Orientation on society

- The student has a clear idea of his or her added value in the current social context. (knowledge and insight)

- The student is aware of the ways art or design function in society, and is able to assess the consequences for his or her professional, artistic practice. (skill)

Strict prerequisite: the student must have obtained the credit certificate for the course unit 'Bachelor's  Degree Project' (Dutch: ‘Bachelorproef’ - 3BA) to be allowed to follow this course unit.

Corequisite: the student must have followed the course units 'Master's Session' and 'Master's Studio Work: Work Process' before or take them up simultaneously with this course unit.

Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.


The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
K34671 : Mixed Media: Bachelor's Degree Project
K35040 : Master's Degree Project: Sessions (No longer offered this academic year)
K34375 : Master's Studio Work: Work Process and External Project

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
K34375 : Master's Studio Work: Work Process and External Project

This course is identical to the following courses:
K34313 : Master's Degree Project: Fine Arts (No longer offered this academic year)


21 ects. Master's Degree Project: Photography (B-LUCA-K51294)

21 ECTSDutchFormat: Master's thesis378 Both termsBoth terms
De Pelsmacker Hans |  Guns Tine |  Huyghe Bert |  Kerkhofs Roel |  Moortgat Karel |  Morrens Peter |  Venrooij Esther |  Verlaak Patrick |  Vermeersch Robin |  Volckaert Didier |  N.  | LessMore
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Gent)

The Master’s Project is at the core of the master’s programme, it represents the final result of the student's academic and artistic progress. At the beginning of the master year, all students define a personal and unique Master’s Project, in concert with the supervisor of their choice.Throughout the academic year, the students are given the time and the freedom to work on this project in an intense and concentrated way. Herein, the school offers the students support in various ways: firstly, students receive individual coaching by the team of supervisors (artists, designers and theoreticians), secondly, the student can benefit from infrastructural facilities, such as individual workspaces, and from technical support in the different workshops and the Sint-Lucas library. As an integrated part of the Master's Degree Project, the student's artistic research is supervised and supported by a reflection the result of which is visible in the dissertation (see als course unit 'Master's Degree Project: Dissertation').

The process is concluded by the Master's Degree Project and the ensuing Graduation Show. The Master's Degree Project is assessed by way of an elaborate presentation (exhibition, presentation(s), performance(s)...) and an oral presentation of the student's artisitc work before a jury consisting of members of the academic staff and external jury members from the world of visual arts. During the Graduation Show the student presents his/her Master's Degree Project or parts thereof to the public.



Individual coaching based on permanent evaluation and dialogue between the master student and his or her supervisor.


Master's Degree Project: Photography (B-LUCA-K74384)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Participation during contact hours, Portfolio, Process evaluation

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Type: Assessment during the evaluation period

Description of evaluation: Practice exam




The student presents his/her artistic work in the most appropriate form (exhibition, presentation(s), visual projection(s), performance(s)...) to a jury (see also jury regulation). The student presents and defends his/her work and can be asked questions by the members of the jury. The jury regulation is published on Toledo > MA Visual Arts > General > Regulations on education and examinations