E - Master's Graduate Project Animation Film [BAMATOOL] (B-LUCA-K44220)

30 studiepuntenEngels42 urenBeide semestersBeide semestersUitgesloten voor examencontractUitgesloten voor creditcontract
Özbilge Imge (coördinator) |  Claes Sandy |  De Swaef Emma |  Van Damme Elke |  Van De Moortel Frederik |  Van Gucht Karel |  Verstegen Soetkin |  Özbilge Imge |  Özbilge Sine |  N.  | MinderMeer
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, film Brussel)

The Graduation Project is an integrated course consisting of the graduation film (an audiovisual work) and the thesis.

The master's thesis is a paper issued by the legislator with which a master student completes his/her/their study. The thesis is relevant to the graduation project and contains personal views of the student that he/she/they can substantiate. The thesis places its own research in or against existing literature and debates, has a clear structure and argumentation and testimony of critical thinking. While the subject and the questions of the thesis are based on the (own) artistic practice, the elaboration of the thesis must meet a number of substantive and methodological requirements specific to a master's program. On the basis of the thesis a student must demonstrate that he/she/they is able:

- to formulate and develop a well-defined question or problem statement as a result of or arising from one's own artistic practice, experience or ambitions;
- to build and use a defensible research method;
- to identify the sources and literature that are relevant to the problem definition, to read or analyze them accurately and to interpret and process them independently;
- to coherently synthesize, express and assess existing insights;
- to develop a critical and personal positioning with respect to the problem;
- to draw a responsible conclusion from the problem definition, the literature and the analysis of the existing problem.

-An active participation in workshops and excursions

The master's thesis is presented by the student orally and physically on the master jury.

The graduation film: the student produces an audiovisual work (length 3 to 7min) with a focus on animation and that demonstrates a creative and critical mind; of its own style, voice and imagination; of a professional standard. As a graduation project, the work fulfills the current artistic, productional, intellectual, technical requirements. The graduate student hereby proves that he/she/they is ready to join the profession as an independent animation film maker or autonomous audiovisual artist. The student also has the necessary creative, intellectual and technical skills to work in the audiovisual and creative industries. In addition, the experience, experience and findings gained will enable him/her/them to progress to further education in home country or abroad.

This subject contributes to the following learning goals and learning outcomes: VD 1, VD 2, VD 3, VD 4, LR 1, LR 2, LR 3, LR 4, LR 5, LR 6, LR 7, LR 8, LR 9, LR 10.

The student has an academic bachelor's degree that grants access to the master's program in audiovisual arts or has passed the bridging program or preparatory program that grants access. He / She knows at least the basic techniques of making an animation film and can use the audiovisual medium creatively. He / She demonstrates motivation and ambition, an independent character, a will to dialogue and debate, artistic sensitivity and a critical and open mind.

In order to start the Master's thesis, the student must first have obtained the credits for the Critical Practice, the elective course and the Master workshop of the chosen discipline, or take these courses simultaneously.

Je moet voldoen aan een volgtijdelijkheidsvoorwaarde om dit opleidingsonderdeel te mogen opnemen. Volgtijdelijkheid kan STRENG of SOEPEL zijn of een GELIJKTIJDIGHEID inhouden. Ook kan een diplomaNIVEAU als voorwaarde gesteld zijn.
STRENG: Om dit opleidingsonderdeel op te nemen, moet je geslaagd zijn voor of een tolerantie ingezet hebben voor de opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor dit soort voorwaarde geldt.
SOEPEL: Om dit opleidingsonderdeel op te nemen, moet je de opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor dit soort voorwaarde geldt, gevolgd hebben.
GELIJKTIJDIG: Om dit opleidingsonderdeel op te nemen, moet je ook de opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor dit soort voorwaarde geldt, opnemen of al opgenomen hebben.
NIVEAU: Om dit opleidingsonderdeel op te nemen, moet je ten minste deze graad behaald hebben.

DIPLOMA( 52329459 ) OF DIPLOMA( 52560929 ) OF DIPLOMA( 52560924 )

Bovenstaande codes van opleidingsonderdelen stemmen overeen met onderstaande omschrijvingen van die opleidingsonderdelen:
52329459 : Bachelor in de audiovisuele kunsten (Brussel)
52560929 : Schakelprogramma: Master in de audiovisuele kunsten (Brussel)
52560924 : Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de audiovisuele kunsten (Brussel)

Dit opleidingsonderdeel is identiek aan de volgende opleidingsonderdelen:
K43100 : Masterproef animatiefilm [BAMATOOL]


21 sp. E - Graduate Project Animation Film (B-LUCA-K64813)

21 studiepuntenEngels30 urenBeide semestersBeide semesters
De Swaef Emma |  Van De Moortel Frederik |  Van Gucht Karel |  Özbilge Imge |  Özbilge Sine |  N.  | MinderMeer
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, film Brussel)

The Master's Graduation Project is an audiovisual work that has been initiated, conceptualized and developed by the student. Throughout the production process (research, development, realization) the student can count on tutorials. He/she/they can also use the master animation Studio program that nurtures the creation and genesis of the graduation directly (by feedback) and indirectly (by input). (See also: Master animation Studio)

Second examination chance is possible.

9 sp. E - Dissertation Animation Film (B-LUCA-K64814)

9 studiepuntenEngels12 urenBeide semestersBeide semesters
Claes Sandy |  Van Damme Elke |  Verstegen Soetkin |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, film Brussel)

The thesis is relevant to the graduation project and contains the student's own views which he/she/x can substantiate.The completed and presented graduation project is substantiated and contextualized in the master's thesis by a thesis. The thesis situates one's own research within or against existing literature and debates, has a clear structure and argumentation and demonstrates critical thinking and a personal, creative approach. In the thesis, the student demonstrates that he can orient himself within the field of the chosen artistic discipline and that this orientation can lead to a substantiated problem definition in relation to his own artistic practice or experience.

The length of the thesis is between (minimum) 6000 and (maximum) 8000 words, excluding references and bibliography. Its form can vary from academic paper to essay and is determined by the student in consultation with the supervisor.

Teachers and supervisors give advice in function of the work of the student.

The student is assigned an individual thesis supervisor who monitors and guides the work process by, among other things, - providing feedback on and evaluating individual progress, - checking whether agreements have been fulfilled, - referring to specialized support or guidance, - solving minor practical problems, monitoring the substantive depth of the learning objectives and asking stimulating questions.

Although the student can make use of this support and personal guidance, he/she/they works to a large extent independently. The individual thesis supervisor is appointed by the master coordinators in consultation with the teachers involved and on the basis of the subject and content of the graduation proposal.


E - Master's Graduate Project Animation Film (B-LUCA-K84220)

Type : Partiële of permanente evaluatie met examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Paper/Werkstuk, Presentatie, Procesevaluatie

TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal
K64813 - E - Graduate Project Animation Film1-20/20 puntenschaal
K64814 - E - Dissertation Animation Film1-20/20 puntenschaal

The graduation project: an animation short (70%) and a thesis based on related research (30%). Submitting the thesis is necessary to be able to submit the animation short.

The final assessment is made on the data from the ongoing and intermediate assessment and the final presentation of the graduation project. The final presentation is carried out in front of a jury comprising external assessors, and takes the form of a closed screening followed by a Q&A. 

The thesis is assessed by a jury composed of the tutor of the graduation project, the supervisor of the thesis and one corrector or reader. In case the thesis is supervised by the studio team, the jury consists of all members of the team. The thesis jury determines the score at 20. The exam result for the master thesis counts the obtained result for the thesis for 30%.

Binnen dit opleidingsonderdeel zijn er deeloverdrachten bij een geslaagd deelresultaat:

  • K64813 - E - Graduate Project Animation Film (binnen academiejaar)
  • K64814 - E - Dissertation Animation Film (binnen academiejaar)

Herkansbaar. Deelname aan 1ste zittijd is verplicht om te mogen deelnemen aan de 2de zittijd.