E - Master's Graduate Project Film [BAMATOOL] (B-LUCA-K44216)

30 studiepuntenEngels37 urenBeide semestersBeide semestersUitgesloten voor examencontractUitgesloten voor creditcontract
Desmet Robbrecht (coördinator) |  Asselberghs Herman |  Desmet Robbrecht |  Grunditz Brennan Kersti |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, film Brussel)

The Graduation Project is an integrated course consisting of the graduation film (an audiovisual work) and the essay.

Essay: The student writes an essay that is relevant for his/her graduation film and contains personal views which he/she/they can substantiate. While its subject and its questions stem from his/her own artistic practice, the elaboration of the essay must meet a number of substantive and methodological requirements specific to a master's program. On the basis of the essay a student must demonstrate that he/she is able:

- to formulate and develop a well-defined question or problem statement as a result of or arising from one's own artistic practice, experience or ambitions;
- to build and use a defensible research method;
- to identify the sources and literature that are relevant to the problem definition, to read or analyze them accurately and to interpret and process them independently;
- to coherently synthesize, express and assess existing insights;
- to develop a critical and personal positioning with respect to the problem;
- to draw a responsible conclusion from the problem definition, the literature and the analysis of the existing problem.

Graduation project: The student creates an audiovisual work attesting to a creative and critical mind, to personal style, own voice and a singular imagination and to professional standards. This graduation work is finished and ready for public presentation.

Graduates are audivisual artists. They are ready and able to enter the professional world as an audiovisual artist. They possess a wide range of creative, intellectual and technical skills to be able to enter different audiovisual sectors and creative industries. The acquired expertise and experience also enables application to various national and international post-master programs. 

This course contributes to learning outcomes LR3, LR4, LR5, LR7, LR8, LR9, LR10..

This course contributes to training goals VD1, VD2, VD3, VD4.

The students have an academic BA-diploma that offers access to the MA-program in Audiovisual Arts / Film Directing or have succeeded in the prepatory year that grants access to the MA-program.

They master the basic skills of film directing and are able to work in a creative way within the audiovisual medium. They demonstrate motivation and ambition, independent character, the will to dialogue and debate, an artistic sensibility as well as a critical and open mind.

To be able to present the Graduation Project, the students first needs to collect all credits for 2 Electives of their choice, for Production Studies, as well as for the Master Studio, or collect these credits at the same time. 

Je moet voldoen aan een volgtijdelijkheidsvoorwaarde om dit opleidingsonderdeel te mogen opnemen. Volgtijdelijkheid kan STRENG of SOEPEL zijn of een GELIJKTIJDIGHEID inhouden. Ook kan een diplomaNIVEAU als voorwaarde gesteld zijn.
STRENG: Om dit opleidingsonderdeel op te nemen, moet je geslaagd zijn voor of een tolerantie ingezet hebben voor de opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor dit soort voorwaarde geldt.
SOEPEL: Om dit opleidingsonderdeel op te nemen, moet je de opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor dit soort voorwaarde geldt, gevolgd hebben.
GELIJKTIJDIG: Om dit opleidingsonderdeel op te nemen, moet je ook de opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor dit soort voorwaarde geldt, opnemen of al opgenomen hebben.
NIVEAU: Om dit opleidingsonderdeel op te nemen, moet je ten minste deze graad behaald hebben.

DIPLOMA( 52329459 ) OF DIPLOMA( 52560929 ) OF DIPLOMA( 52560924 )

Bovenstaande codes van opleidingsonderdelen stemmen overeen met onderstaande omschrijvingen van die opleidingsonderdelen:
52329459 : Bachelor in de audiovisuele kunsten (Brussel)
52560929 : Schakelprogramma: Master in de audiovisuele kunsten (Brussel)
52560924 : Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de audiovisuele kunsten (Brussel)

Dit opleidingsonderdeel is identiek aan de volgende opleidingsonderdelen:
K43101 : Masterproef film [BAMATOOL]


21 sp. E - Graduate Project Film (B-LUCA-K64815)

21 studiepuntenEngels25 urenBeide semestersBeide semesters
Asselberghs Herman |  Desmet Robbrecht |  Grunditz Brennan Kersti |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, film Brussel)

The graduation film is an audiovisual work that is initiated, conceptualised, produced and directed by the student. Its projection format needs to be single screen. Its length in-between 12 (min.) and 20 minutes (max.).

Throughout the filmmaking process (research, development, realisation), the student must make use of the tutorials (tutoring and feedback) and the Studio program as well as participate actively in all Peer-to-Peer sessions (feedback). 

Tutorials: individual meetings on a regular basis with the his/her tutor assigned by staff at the start of the academic year. During these individual meetings, the student presents the progress of his/her graduation film project on a regular basis by investigating, questioning and discussing different of its aspects in terms of research, content, form and production. 

The student is assigned an individual graduation film tutor who monitors and supervises the work process by e.g.

- giving feedback on and evaluating his/her progress,
- checking whether agreements have been fulfilled,
- referring to specialized support or guidance,
- solving small practical problems, monitoring the substantive depth of the learning objectives and asking stimulating questions.

Although the student needs to make use of this support and personal guidance, he/she works to a large extent independently.

The individual graduation film tutor is assigned by the master coordinators in consultation with the teachers involved, based on the subject and the content of the graduation project proposal.

Peer-to-Peer sessions: during these group meetings in attendance of a staff member, the students present and discuss the progress of their graduation film projects. These staff-run sessions are all prepared during prior student-run sessions. 

9 sp. E - Dissertation Film (B-LUCA-K64816)

9 studiepuntenEngels12 urenBeide semestersBeide semesters
Asselberghs Herman |  Desmet Robbrecht |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, film Brussel)

The completed and presented graduation project consists of the graduation film and the accompanying essay. The essay is therefore connected to the graduation film and contains personal views of the student which he/she can substantiate.

By researching and processing print as well as screen materials, the essay situates the student's own thinking within contemporary cinema practices and current discourses in audiovisual arts. It shows a clear, inventive structure and testifies to creative, critical thinking. It demonstrates the student's discursive positioning in relation to his/her own artistic practice.

The length of the essay must be between (minimum) 5500 and (maximum) 7500 words. Its form and structure is to be decided upon in consultation with the tutor/during the tutorials, and can vary from strict academic paper to free-form essay. 

The development of the essay is supported by active participation in the Essay Studies.

Throughout the essay writing process (research, development, realisation), the student must make use of the tutorials (tutoring and feedback) and the Essay Studies. 
Tutorials: individual meetings on a regular basis with the his/her tutor assigned by staff at the start of the academic year. During these individual meetings, the student presents the progress of his/her essay project on a regular basis by investigating, questioning and discussing different of its aspects in terms of research, content and form. 

The student is assigned an individual essay tutor who monitors and supervises the work process by e.g.
- giving feedback on and evaluating his/her progress,
- checking whether agreements have been fulfilled,
- referring to specialized support or guidance,
- solving small practical problems, monitoring the substantive depth of the learning objectives and asking stimulating questions.

Although the student needs to make use of this support and personal guidance, he/she works to a large extent independently.

The individual essay supervisor is assigned by the master coordinators in consultation with the teachers involved, based on the subject and the content of the graduation project proposal.


E - Master's Graduate Project Film (B-LUCA-K84216)

Type : Examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Praktijkexamen
Vraagvormen : Open vragen

TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal
K64815 - E - Graduate Project Film1-20/20 puntenschaal
Januari1-20/20 puntenschaal
K64816 - E - Dissertation Film1-20/20 puntenschaal
Januari1-20/20 puntenschaal

Throughout the filmmaking process (research, development, realisation), the student must make use of the tutorials (tutoring and feedback) and the Studio program as well as participate actively in all Peer-to-Peer sessions (feedback). 
Tutorials: individual meetings on a regular basis with the his/her tutor assigned by staff at the start of the academic year. During these individual meetings, the student presents the progress of his/her graduation film project on a regular basis by investigating, questioning and discussing different of its aspects in terms of research, content, form and production. 
The student is assigned an individual graduation film tutor who monitors and supervises the work process by e.g.
- giving feedback on and evaluating his/her progress,
- checking whether agreements have been fulfilled,
- referring to specialized support or guidance,
- solving small practical problems, monitoring the substantive depth of the learning objectives and asking stimulating questions.
Although the student needs to make use of this support and personal guidance, he/she works to a large extent independently.
The individual graduation film tutor is assigned by the master coordinators in consultation with the teachers involved, based on the subject and the content of the graduation project proposal.

The essay is assessed by a jury composed of the essay tutor, the graduation film tutor and one reader assigned by the staff members. The student proposes a fourth, external reader.

A first intermediate deadline at the start of the second semester requires 1000 words. Content, format and precise date are communicated at the start of the academic year. 

Upon handing in the essay, it needs to include at least 3 Essay Tutorial Reports.

The essay jury collegially determines the final score at 20.


The graduation film is assessed by an external jury of at least 3 members invited by the staff members. The student presents his/her graduation film in front of this jury. At least one of the staff members is attending in order to guarantee the integrated character of the Graduation Project. He/She has therefore read all of the student's essays. 

Upon handing in the graduation film, the student needs to offer at least 6 Essay Tutorial Reports.

The graduation film jury collegially determines the final score at 20.



Process and formative assessment: through tutorials and Peer-to-Peer sessions

Final Assessment:

The exam result for the graduation film counts the obtained result for the film for 70%.

The exam result for the master essay counts the obtained result for the essay for 30%.

Essay:  3/10th of the score for intermediate deadline + 7/10th for the final essay

Graduation film: 4/10th of the score for attendance, participation and presentations at Peer-to-Peer sessions + 6/10th for the final jury

To be able to pass the Graduation Project, the student needs to obtain a minimum of 10/20 for the graduation film. 


The graduation film must meet all conditions stipulated and communicated by the production buro brief.  If these conditions are not met, the film cannot be accepted for jury screening. Attendance at the production buro briefing is therefore obligatory. 

Binnen dit opleidingsonderdeel zijn er deeloverdrachten bij een geslaagd deelresultaat:

  • K64815 - E - Graduate Project Film (binnen academiejaar)
  • K64816 - E - Dissertation Film (binnen academiejaar)

Re-examnination under the following conditions:
- Obligatory presentation during official examination 1 (jury June)
- No reshooting possible
- Audiovisual piece for examination 1 contains: editing, color grading, sound mix, credit sequence + obligatory subtitling.