1MA Artistic Projects and (co)creations (B-LUCA-L43219)

6 ECTSEnglish10 Both termsBoth terms
Schuermans Pieter (coordinator) |  Schuermans Pieter |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC instr/zang, jazz, muziekpedagogie, muziektherapie Leuven)

The student works in co-creation with other students on an artistic and content-related project. The student gains experience in management (entrepreneurship) through getting the right to decide about the co-creation,taking his/her own individual skills into his/her hands, motivating and directing him/herself and others. His/her self-leadership and organisational behaviour are stimulated and enhanced.
The student grows in taking responsibility for his/her own learning process (ownership).
Moreover, together the students create a new, fully-fledged artistic end product, in which each also grows artistically during the process.
He/she can communicate about the development and progress of this process. The reflective capacity is sharpened in the process.

The student has the attitude to take initiative and sufficient entrepreneurial drive to set up a co-creation project together with other students and under the supervision of coaches. The student can deal with the other participants on an equal basis, with an eye for reciprocity, openness, dialogue, common ground and mutual trust. He/she possesses decisiveness with a focus on results. Moreover, the student can make a report and keep a log.

The student who wants to start a co-creation project on his/her own initiative has to submit an application file (to be found on the Toledo Composition website) to the coordinator.


6 ects. 1MA Artistic Projects and (co)creations (B-LUCA-L55475)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical10 Both termsBoth terms
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC instr/zang, jazz, muziekpedagogie, muziektherapie Leuven)

Either a creative initiative of students is used as a seed to grow into an artistically and substantively valuable project/learning process through coaching; or the school already offers the format and organised coaching of a co-creation project (see the offer on the Toledo organisation Composition), which also calls on the ownership of the students.

This depends on the project.

The work form is not a classical practical, but involves different practice-oriented majors.
The students themselves take control of the process that leads to a final performance. Both this process and the practical skills of the co-creation are coached by the professors involved.
In the course of the academic year, students are coached at least three times by the involved tutors according to the stages of the process.
The student makes a written record of this process and keeps a logbook.


1MA Artistic Projects and (co)creations (B-LUCA-L83219)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Report, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation
Learning material : Computer, Music scores

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

The student is assessed on the basis of the artistic end product (40%), the report/logbook (30%), and the reflection on the completed process, of which the criteria can be found on the Toledo Composition (30%).

Retake is possible according to the same modalities.

A condition for participation in the second exam opportunity is that you have taken part in the first exam opportunity.