Music Theory (B-LUCA-L43218)
At the end of the course, the student is able to create contrapuntal work in the application of the figured choral and the
exposition of a fugue.
At the end of this course, the student can detect harmonic concepts and ways of thinking, which are based on pronounced and discussed examples from musical scores. Music around and after 1850 is also discussed.
The student can reflect on the harmonic component of such scores.
OLR Muziek (master): 1.1, 2.1 en 2.4.
Previous knowledge
The student has passed harmony level 3, in other words harmony at level 3C (third stage bachelor music, specialization composition) or the admission test.
The student has passed counterpoint at level 3C or the admission test.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in Music (Leuven) (Main Subject MA Music Composition) 120 ects.
9 ects. Music Theory (B-LUCA-L55474)
Part Counterpoint:
• writing figured chorals for various instrumental compositions
• applying canon techniques
• preparatory exercises on the fugue, and the exposition of the fugue
Part Harmony:
The harmonic concepts and ways of thinking are extracted from musical scores provided by the professor. It is about all kinds of music, including music written around and after 1850. All harmonic concepts and ways of thinking are framed in a current and historical context.
Course material
Guidelines and assignments of the teacher
Traité de la Fugue van Gedalge, A.
Verbeke, L., Harmonie after 1850 (see Toledo, Forum Harmony under Step-by-step plans/Stappenplannen, Level 4C)
Music scores and recordings music productions (multimedia and sample material)
Toledo: Forum Harmony and Organization Composition
Format: more information
Part Counterpoint
The subject matter is explained in a lecture. The students carry out their exercises outside the contact hours. Afterwards, the teacher discusses and evaluates their work in a practical.
Part Harmony
The student collects the information and assignments regarding the relevant harmonic items via this specific Harmony lecture on the one hand and guided self-study on the other. The completed assignments are coached through practicals.
The teacher formulates and coaches the assignments in function of the portfolio.
Maximum participation is required.
Music Theory (B-LUCA-L83218)
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
The student receives an assessment for each part:
Part Counterpoint
There is a written exam: 1 day 'en lodge' for figured choral.
The score for counterpoint consists of 50% permanent assessment and portfolio and 50% written exam.
Part Harmony
The student receives a final mark based on permanent evaluation. The evaluation form consists of a portfolio, cooperation during contact moments and process evaluation.
Maximum participation is required and is of course included in the total score.
The evaluation of the OPO ‘Schriftuur’ (Music Theory)
The total score for this OPO is the weighted average of the scores for the part harmony (40%) and the part counterpoint (60%).
However, a student can only pass if he/she has passed both parts.
If a student has not passed a component, the student can not pass the entire OPO.
Information about retaking exams
The student can retake the component (or components) for which he/she failed.
A condition for participation in the second exam opportunity is that you have taken part in the first exam opportunity.