Composition (B-LUCA-L43217)

At the end of this course unit, the student demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the internationally used stylistic standards and applies these independently.
The student will present a portfolio demonstrating the acquired objectives and learning goals by means of a quantity of works in various genres and ensembles agreed upon with the professor.
The student has a thorough command of working with musical parameters, possesses a broad knowledge of compositional techniques and demonstrates an adequate capacity for analysis.
The student's portfolio shows a personal stylistic orientation.
The student masters the elementary research competences.
The student shows an entrepreneurial spirit.
The student communicates with ease about the personal development and progress of the creative process and the orchestration technique. The student knows how to relate to and place his/her music within the historical-aesthetic framework.
In this OPO, the following OLR Music (Master) are worked on in particular: 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1.
Previous knowledge
The student has passed this course unit at the level of the third programme stage of the Bachelor of Music, composition course.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in Music (Leuven) (Main Subject MA Music Composition) 120 ects.
15 ects. Composition (B-LUCA-L55473)

The development of the student's personal imaginative is further built up and deepened. Through the gradual realisation of a portfolio, the student's analytical ability and knowledge of styles is further expanded and deepened.
In addition, the student develops further in terms of analysis/historical-aesthetic awareness and orchestration.
Course material
Manuals, books, scores, CD, ICT environment
Compulsory course material for composition: see Toledo Community Composition
Format: more information
In the course of the academic year, the student works on the development of his Composition portfolio and is personally coached in this by the professor involved, who guides, confronts, inspires, motivates, ... Maximum participation is required.
The student is responsible for the organisation and presentation of a live performance of at least one of the works composed in the course of the academic year.
Composition (B-LUCA-L83217)
Assessment | Grading scale |
TOTAL | 1-20/20 scale |
The student receives an examination mark based on the submitted portfolio, both in the first examination period (10% of the marks) and in the second examination period (90% of the marks), which is assessed by a jury of lecturers.
(The submission dates are listed on the examination schedule).
Maximum participation is required and will be taken into account in the total score.
The student submits a portfolio for the partial examination (first examination period). This portfolio is accompanied by a written explanation (maximum 750 words) with an explanation of each submitted composition part. This 'portfolio in progress' may contain sketches, preparatory sketches, fragments, etc., in addition to finished compositions.
For the final examination (second examination period), the student submits a portfolio, accompanied by a written explanation (minimum 750 words, maximum 1500 words) with an explanation of each submitted composition part.
The student also organises a concert component: at least one of the works composed in the course of the academic year is performed by musicians who are engaged and coached by the student.
Information about retaking exams
Retake is possible according to the same modalities.
A condition for participation in the second exam opportunity is that you have taken part in the first exam opportunity.