1MA Atelier Orchestral Instruments (B-LUCA-L43185)

6 ECTSEnglish20 First termFirst term
Op De Beeck Anne (coordinator) |  Op De Beeck Anne |  Tilkin Michel |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC instr/zang, jazz, muziekpedagogie, muziektherapie Leuven)

Students will be immersed in the profession of an orchestral musician during one semester.

This course is open to students of main subject Instrumental/Vocal Studies, with a specialisation in an orchestral instrument, such as: Bassoon, Cello, Clarinet, Cornet, Double Bass, English Horn, Flute, Harp, Horn, Oboe, Percussion, Piccolo Flute, Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Viola and Violin.


If the student does not belong to one of the above-mentioned categories, exceptional admission can be requested by contacting the responsible coordinator of the course, by email. After written approval, the student can include this course in the ISP.


6 ects. 1MA Atelier Orchestral Instruments (B-LUCA-L55436)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical20 First termFirst term
Op De Beeck Anne |  Tilkin Michel |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC instr/zang, jazz, muziekpedagogie, muziektherapie Leuven)

Throughout the 1st semester, you will take three modules which focus on a specific skill : 

1.       Audition training

2.       Masterclasses in orchestral excerpts

3.       Orchestral sight reading training

Music scores.

Format : three modules of maximum 3 days are spread over the 1st semester, active participation in all three modules is mandatory.


1MA Atelier Orchestral Instruments (B-LUCA-L83185)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Practical exam
Learning material : Music scores

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

The result (on 20) is entirely determined on the basis of a practical exam in the form of a concluding workshop (of a maximum of 3 hours) in the examination period.

The student can only participate in this practical exam if he/she attended 80% of the contact moments (registered on the attendance list).