E-Critical Practice Film (B-LUCA-K44564)

6 ECTSEnglish36 First termFirst termCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Desmet Robbrecht (coordinator) |  Desmet Robbrecht |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, film Brussel)

Students can testify to their enjoyment of reading and practice their reading culture and reading skills.


Students will acquire an advanced insight in current developments in contemporary art production and in the theoretical/critical/intellectual discourse that accompanies it.


Students will be able to interpret these developments and assess their artistic, social, cultural and/or personal relevance.


Using this knowledge, students will be able to develop a relevant discursive framework in connection with their own artistic goals and ambitions.


This course contributes to the realisation of the following specific learning results: 3, 4.


6 ects. E-Critical Practice Film (B-LUCA-K64973)

6 ECTSEnglish36 First termFirst term
Desmet Robbrecht |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, film Brussel)

What to read, how to read, when to read: these are the questions addressed in this collaborative study of productive use of text in relation to artistic practice as a whole. This seminar provides students with a safe and inspiring framework for dialogue. Students are motivated to share differences and similarities between their various film practices in a conversation about possible relationships between reading, artistic research and filmmaking. The seminar leader provides a compact set of texts that are read in advance. Students complete the reading list themselves with a few titles that are also read by all participants. During classes, the content of the texts is discussed and reading experiences are exchanged. The text collection holds various off- and online registers and formats, from essays to artists' writings, from literary to academic texts. Joint reading - out loud and in silence - is an integral part of the seminar, which aims to form a temporary community based on shared individual knowledge and experience. The seminar also hooks into the school library's regular book club.

The seminar includes 5 meetings on 5 full days spread over the first semester. The seminar leader provides his text bundle at the start of the academic year. Students contribute to the volume by the start of classes and engage in class discussions in all meetings. The seminar also includes participation of all participants in the regular on campus book club of which, by way of final presentation, they themselves organize and moderate some sessions.


E-Critical Practice Film (B-LUCA-K84564)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Continuous evaluation with examination outside the examination period
Process evaluation
Cooperation during contact moments
Final essay

Participation rate 20%
Process evaluation 20%: twice during the seminar period, students hand in a short text
Final essay 60%

The figure for participation rate and process evaluation is retained.

Paper (3500 words) 60%