E - Master Studio Practice Fine Art (B-LUCA-K44287)

12 ECTSEnglish140 Both termsBoth termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Van Winkel Camiel (coordinator) |  Gordon Melissa |  Van Winkel Camiel |  Van den Abeele Michael |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC beeldverhaal, fotografie, media- en informationdesign, vrije kunsten Brussel)

The student is able to do artistic research, and to develop and deepen his/her practice in dialogue with others.
The student applies artistic, scholarly, philosophical, literary ideas and principles in his/her autonomous research, withing the framework of his/her own practice as well as the framework of workshops with guest lecturers. He/she has specialized technical and theoretical knowledge, as well as creative and conceptual expertise in his/her art domain. He/she applies his/her knowledge of materials and techniques in an adequate way to create an artistic work that is relevant to the field and to present it for an audience. He/she finds solutions of problems through a clear communication to specialists and/or non-specialists. He/she is able to start and to manage a complex project, and to complete it.


This OPO contributes to the realisation of the following specific learning results:  1, 2, 4, 5

1. The student has developed a meaningful portfolio which shows that he or she

  • has obtained the practical knowledge of and insight in the core elements of artistic production, at the level of a BA degree;
  • has the creative potential and attitude that is needed to develop and realise a meaningful artistic trajectory.

2. The student is able to explain, both verbally and in writing, the artistic, social, cultural and personal relevance of this portfolio to experts and peers. The student disposes of the skills to look up, assimilate and critically process visual and textual data (in Dutch, English and/or French).

3. The student is prepared and able to work and study independently.

4. The student has BA level knowledge of (and insight in) the core elements of:

  • the history of the visual arts;
  • the theoretical and critical discourse that accompanies the visual arts.



12 ects. E - Master Studio Practice Fine Art (B-LUCA-K64681)

12 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical140 Both termsBoth terms
Gordon Melissa |  Van Winkel Camiel |  Van den Abeele Michael |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC beeldverhaal, fotografie, media- en informationdesign, vrije kunsten Brussel)

Artists cannot just do something. With every artistic choice or decision they position themselves in the global field of contemporary art. This act of positioning in a sense overshadows the artistic act itself. Artists are free to do what they want, but as professionals they may always be asked to justify themselves afterwards. The basis for such accountability is not fixed; artists will have to construct it individually. This is where the importance of theory lies. Theoretical reflection is the domain of artistic meta-positions. It is where the “politics” of contemporary art happen, the ideological game of staking out positions and meta-positions.

English. Individual supervision may be done in Dutch if the student prefers.

During the master year, the Fine Arts student is expected to focus his or her artistic development and practice, based on personal interests, aspirations and insights.

Students work for the most part independently on a self-initiated project and develop their practice according to professional standards.

The Fine Arts master’s studio is not media-related and therefore all major media in the field of the arts are supported.

The student's individual work and artistic development are the main focus, in combination with critical skills and competences of self-reflection.

A studio team in collaboration with a studio coordinator leads the studio. Team members organize group moments, presentations, meetings and follow the general evolution of the students’ practice.

Excursions and study trips are part of the curriculum; participation is compulsory for all students.




E - Master Studio Practice Fine Art (B-LUCA-K84287)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation
Learning material : None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Permanent evaluation throughout the year, based on the following aspects:

* presence of the student during group discussions, workshops, trips and excursions (both locally and abroad) and studio visits;

* the level of active participation in these group discussions, workshops, trips and excursions (both locally and abroad) and studio visits;

* individual feedback moments and appointments with the tutors;

* evaluation of the artistic and professional objectives, research methods and approaches;

* the progress that has been made in the realisation of artistic projects and/or the execution of specific assignments.

The assessment will be done by the studio tutor and at least two other team members.


The student writes a report on their artistic development of the past academic year, in which the criticism of the supervisors/teachers on the work is taken into account and answered according to the student's latest insights. The student also compiles a portfolio in which the work created in the last two/three years is represented and explained. Report and portfolio are presented and defended in a conversation with studio teachers. The student also shows one or two new works that were created after the first exam opportunity.