E - Master Studio Practice Photography (B-LUCA-K44284)

12 ECTSEnglish140 Both termsBoth termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Opsomer Els (coordinator) |  Caesar Sofia |  Decan Liesbeth |  Opsomer Els |  Setari Nicola |  Smedts Ronny |  Tusek Mitja |  Van Marcke Sarah |  Vanthuyne Stefan |  van Tongeren Eva |  N.  | LessMore
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Brussel)

The student is able to organise artistic research, to develop and deepen his/her practice in dialogue with others.
The student applies artistic, scientific, philosophical, literary ideas and principles in his/her autonomous research, widening the framework of his/her own practice as well as the framework of workshops with guest lecturers. He/she has specialized technical and theoretical knowledge, as well as creative and conceptual expertise in his/her art domain. He/she applies his/her knowledge of materials and techniques in an adequate way to create an artistic work that is relevant to the field and to present it for an audience. He/she is able to work interdisciplinary. He/she finds solutions of problems through a clear communication to specialists and/or non-specialists. He/she is able to start and to manage a complex project, and to complete it. He/she is capable to organize seminars in between their peers and to critical review each other workprocess. He/she is capable to communicate in respectful and clear way towards the team, tutors and peers. He/she responded to assignments through official channels being luca email and toledo.

Through these objectives, this course unit achieves the following course-specific learning outcomes:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


The student can present a meaningful portfolio with work that shows that he/she has reached the level of an academic Bachelor with regard to knowledge of and insight in the practice of the chosen Atelier (Photography). He/she has enough creative potential and a motivated attitude.

The student is able to explain the artistic, socio-cultural or personal relevance of his/her portfolio to specialists and is ready to actively participate in the studio and to work autonomously. The student should master the technical & reflective requirements needed to enroll in the master photography. The student has a diploma of academic Bachelor in Visual Arts.


12 ects. E - Master Studio Practice Photography (B-LUCA-K64677)

12 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment140 Both termsBoth terms
Caesar Sofia |  Decan Liesbeth |  Opsomer Els |  Setari Nicola |  Smedts Ronny |  Tusek Mitja |  Van Marcke Sarah |  Vanthuyne Stefan |  van Tongeren Eva |  N.  | LessMore
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Brussel)

The photography studio practice is directed towards a permanently questioned studio practice through presentations to the tutors and the group of fellow students and a critical evaluation of each other’s projects. Therefore, the individual projects of the participating students are the points of departure of the studio practice. The students give each other insight into their projects through group presentations and the keeping up to date of a research folio. These activities are supported by feedback sessions in group on the projects and the development of the paper, as well as by lectures of artists/curators/art critics, studio visits and exhibition visits.


The students present the evolution of the Master project at a try-out exhibition and at the final Master exhibition.

Students should install their work in an autonomous and professional way for the external jury and for the graduation show as well.

They are themselves responsible to find technical solutions for the functioning and installing their work for the try-out and graduationshow.

During the graduationshow the student should take care of the permanence during the exhibition.

Workshops, guest lectures, exhibition and studio visits, reading and discussion of literature (individually and collectively), interviews, research in libraries.

Seminar (preparatory home study + group discussions): group meetings, conducted by the teachers or a guest teacher, which the students prepare by reading texts from the reader, making presentations or executing a practical assignment. Students are expected to actively participate in the discussions.


Practical participation @ studio practice:

In order to organize the studio practice, each semester two students are in charge to give feed-back and organize the studio practice program on a daily basis. This means to coordinate and follow up the agreements upon the use of the spaces and the appointments to follow-up. They are in charge to communicate with your peers. At the begin of each semester the responsible students are chosen through collective discussion. Catch-up meetings, announced via Toledo, are moments where these issues are discussed. We will have a shared studio space available in North Station. The agreements for this organization has to be communicated to Fine-Arts and Photography as well.


Work /reflective flow:

Papers/ assignments: Twice a year, in order to practice actively, the writing skills, papers are required around themes discussed in the studio practice. External assignments are developed of which the students has to choose 3 of them to comment and write a paper about at the end of each semester. This have to posted at Toledo and the guidelines will be communicated via Toledo. Deadlines are announced through Toledo.

During the try-out weeks students have to interview each other and write a critical review and appreciation about each others master project in process. It will be send to the coordinator and the the students of whom the review is written. The assignments should be handed in through Toledo or luca email on the required date.

Counselling sessions are organised individually/in small groups on campus if safety conditions permit. If this is not possible, digital tutoring sessions are provided.



E - Master Studio Practice Photography (B-LUCA-K84284)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours, Portfolio, Process evaluation

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Studio practice consists of a team of tutors. 
This team is considered as the permanent board for the evaluation of the student.
Though the final evaluation quote is given by the studio practice coordinator in discussion with the personal tutor. 
The research and development of the personal studio practice/process are looked  at, therefor the evaluation is permanent.
Participation at discussions, reflective moments and due assignments (papers),  try out shows are the elements that are looked at.

The coordinator organises an evaluation moment several times a year. The student must participate in the various evaluation moments during the academic year.
Evaluation moments occur at the end of the first semester, during try-out weeks, and an evaluation interview at the end of the second semester.
Feedback and thus evaluation conversations take place with the coordinator and/or other teacher of the master team.
Upon request the student can ask at any time feedback about his practice at the coordinator during the year. At the end of the academic year the coordinator has a personal discussion with the student to evaluate his/her progress.

Modality/Form for 2nd examination opportunity is basically the same as for the 1ste examination opportunity.

The student resubmits all the work of the previous year (research, sketches, preliminary studies, models, final results, etc.), and is once again assessed as a whole, both the process and the results that emerge from this process; in doing so, particular attention will be paid to how the student has dealt with the work points that emerged from the June jury - in function of these work points, the studio can write out a specific task or assignment.

Take these peripheral data into account in the retake:

    extra work: e.g. new assignment to address the work points

    no supervision

    no own workplace at school

    no access to the workshops

    no external judges (3BA and MA)