E - Master Studio Practice Film (B-LUCA-K44213)

12 ECTSEnglish80 Both termsBoth termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Desmet Robbrecht (coordinator) |  Desmet Robbrecht |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, film Brussel)

Compared to the Bachelor Program, the Master Studio puts a greater emphasis on the interaction between the school’s input and the students’ contribution. The Master Studio Film offers a continuous program of mandatory activities that includes exercises, workshops, lectures, presentations by visiting artists, group presentations, group discussions, film screenings and excursions to exhibitions that offer a wide range of ideas and positions from the contemporary field of cinema and audiovisual art. Students contribute their own knowledge, sensitivities, skills, aspirations, motivation and commitment. By using the input and through dialogue with the lecturer, students try to formulate adequate questions and responses and reach solutions independently, culminating in the creation of their personal audiovisual work. 

Film Master students deepen the art of film directing, sharpen their creative and critical mind en get to know the professional world of cinema. By way of a wide range of educational activities, they learn to refine their personal style, voice and imagination and get in touch with different (artistic, productional, intellectual, technical) aspects of film and audiovisual arts. 

At the end of the Master Studio Film students should be able to demonstrate that they:
- are creating personal, inventive and creative film works
- are able to construct a working pattern
- have developed a critical vocabulary and analytical skills
- have engaged in dialogue with peers, tutors and teachers

- are capable of articulating and assessing the many choices and decisions relating to their artistic development

- demonstrate a personal vision and advanced technical and production skills in video and audio techniques

- have participated in all required course elements

This package of skills and knowledge is reflected in the student’s graduation project. 


Exit competences: 

Graduates are film directors. They are ready and able to enter the professional world as independent filmmaker or audiovisual artist. They possess a wide range of creative, intellectual and technical skills to be able to enter different audiovisual sectors and creative industries. The acquired expertise and experience also enable application to various national and international post-master programs. 


This course contributes to learning outcomes LR1, LR2, LR4, LR6, LR8, LR9, LR10.

This course contributes to training goals VD1, VD2, VD3, VD4.


The students have an academic BA-diploma that offers access to the MA-program in Audiovisual Arts / Film Directing or have succeeded in the preparatory year that grants acces to the MA-program.

They master the basic skills of film directing and are able to work in a creative way within the audiovisual medium. They demonstrate motivation and ambition, independent character, the will to dialogue and debate, an artistic sensibility as well as a critical and open mind.

To be able to present the Graduation Project, the students first needs to collect all credits for 2 Electives of their choice, for Production Studies, as well as for the Master Studio, or collect these credits at the same time. 

Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.

DIPLOMA( 52329459 ) OR DIPLOMA( 52560929 ) OR DIPLOMA( 52560924 )

The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
52329459 : Bachelor in Audiovisual Arts (Brussels)
52560929 : Bridging programme: Master in Audiovisual Arts (Brussels)
52560924 : Preparatory programma: Master in Audiovisual Arts (Brussels)


12 ects. E - Master Studio Practice Film (B-LUCA-K64600)

12 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical-assignment80 Both termsBoth terms
Desmet Robbrecht |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC animatie, film Brussel)

The studio offers a program that:
- runs parallel to the creation of the student’s graduation project 
- feeds this creation in direct (input) and indirect (inspiration) way.

The studio program includes research studies, film directing, acting directing, text (scenario) & audiovisual coaching (camera, editing and sound) take on the form of masterclasses, workshops, seminars, encounters, visits and screenings as well as participation in the organisation and realisation of the graduation show. Staff members communicate both content and agenda of the studio program at the opening session of the academic year. Throughout the academic year, this info can/must be consulted via the Toledo online platform.

Staff members communicate both content and agenda of the studio program at the opening session of the academic year. Throughout the academic year, this info can/must be consulted via the Toledo online platform.

Personal notes as well as reading and viewing lists related to specific workshops and masterclasses. 

LUCA teaching staff and guest teachers provide for a broad variety of educational formats such as workshops, masterclasses, seminars, lectures, talks, groups discussions, tutorials, screenings as well as self-study, in order to explore idea, trends, positions, methods and techniques in the expanded field of screen arts and cinema in particular.

Students are encouraged to make use of the input and feedback and to engage in an ongoing dialogue by deploying personal knowledge, skills, ideas, intuitions and ambitions. 


E - Master Studio Practice Film (B-LUCA-K84213)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale
Januari1-20/20 scale

To be able to pass, students need to have participated in all planned parts of the Studio program.

Permanent assessment: punctual attendance at and active participation in all program parts is obligatory. Attendance and participation deliver the necessary input for the Final Report to be written by the student. 


No re-examination.