Arts and Society (B-LUCA-K34316)

3 ECTSEnglish24 First termFirst term
Késenne Sarah (coordinator) |  Késenne Sarah |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

- The student is able to build a personal frame-of-reference regarding the role of the arts in society, participatory art practices and positionality. (knowledge)

- The student is able to process critically, both in a written and spoken way, information concerning participatory art practices. (skill)

- The student is able to clarify the characteristics of participatory art projects. (knowledge)

- The student is able to write a short, well-informed and documented reflection. (skill)

- The student demonstrates an interest for political and social 'issues' in the arts. (attitude)

- The student demonstrates an open communicative attitude during the course. (attitude)

This course is realising the OLR's 3 & 4

3. Having and also continually developing knowledge and insight in the societal, cultural, artistic, historical and international context of the visual arts and the artistic practice.

4. Developing and perfecting a critical and research-driven attitude as regards designs and/or realizations resulting from visual experiments and research, emotion and intuition.


3 ects. Arts and Society (B-LUCA-K51197)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical24 First termFirst term
Késenne Sarah |  N.
LUCA POC VISUAL ARTS & DESIGN (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

'Arts and society' introduces students to discussions, vocabularies and practices regarding the social and political role of contemporary art, such as positionality,  relational, participatory art practices or decolonialities. We explore artistic concepts and art practices that question modernist notions of autonomy and authorship and that reflect on spectatorship.  The course consists of three layers:

During the course we will go into the writings of authors such as Chantal Mouffe, bell Hooks, Nina Möntmann, Rolando Vasquez, Marinella Senatore, Claire Bishop, Jacques Rancière, Hanne Otte, Pascal Gielen and talk about projects of artists such as Dora Garcia, School of Love, Paolette Holst, Stijn Van Dorpe, Theaster Gates, Thomas Hirschhorn, Renzo Martens and others. 

We will attend an event, performance and/or exhibition, organised by organisations such as Viktoria Deluxe, Museum Ghuislain, Viernulvier and/or Wit.h., depending on their actual programs. This will serve as basis for reflections and discussions. 

There is no syllabus.

Information, literature reader & powerpoints will be made available via Toledo.

Students are supposed to keep a personal learning log during the course.

Arts & Society will be lectured in English

'Arts & Society' consists of lectures and visits of art projects.  A theoretical framework on political and social dimensions of contemporary art will be explored via lecturing and group discussions. Students will be asked several times to prepare the meetings by reading texts in advance.

 The attended projects will lead to reflections and assignments.



Arts and Society (B-LUCA-K74316)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Learning material : Course material

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTALPass / Fail

Students hand in a learning report, consisting out of a series of written reflections concerning the topics dealt with within the two layers (lecturing classes, the experienced events/projects). Focus is on shifting assumptions and perceptions within their frame of reference on art in general, participatory art projects in particular, political and/or social issues and/or their position as young artists.

The assignment will be handed in via Toledo. All information on the assignment and the deadline will be found on Toledo.

'Arts & Society' will not be evaluated numerically (no mark). There will be only the asessment 'pass' or 'fail'. There is no oral examination.

When students do not attend three events or fail to hand in the learning report on time, they may be evaluated as 'not passed'.

Students have 2 exams possibilities throughout the year.


The retake assignment will be similar to the first exam. Accurate information can be found on Toledo.   

The assignment will be handed in via Toledo. All information on the assignment and the deadline will be found on Toledo.

'Arts & Society' will not be evaluated numerically (no mark). There will be only the asessment 'pass' or 'fail'. There is no oral examination.

Students have 2 exams possibilities throughout the year.