Dit is een voorlopige versie. Definitieve versie vanaf 15/07/2025.

Irrational Knowing (B-LUCA-K44282)

Dit is een vertaalde versie. Originele versie in Engels.
6 studiepuntenEngels24 urenEerste semesterEerste semesterUitgesloten voor examencontract
Teirlinck Johan (coördinator) |  Teirlinck Johan |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC beeldverhaal, fotografie, media- en informationdesign, vrije kunsten Brussel)

Dit opleidingonderdeel kan ook gevolgd worden door andere studenten van de Associatie KU Leuven.
Studenten van een andere hogeronderwijsinstelling met interesse om dit opleidingsonderdeel te volgen, zullen zich als interuniversitair student bij LUCA moeten inschrijven.
Klik hier voor meer informatie:
LET OP: deze cursus heeft mogelijk beperkingen op het aantal deelnemers!

Insight in personal decision making.

Insight in your own work.

Insight in other people's work.

Interactive discussions on both your own and other work.

Confrontation with other disciplines, departments and countries.



6 sp. Irrational Knowing (B-LUCA-K64675)

6 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: College-opdracht24 urenEerste semesterEerste semester
Teirlinck Johan |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC beeldverhaal, fotografie, media- en informationdesign, vrije kunsten Brussel)

The sessions focus on the difference between rational knowledge and irrational knowing. Whereas the first one is once and again confirmed in our daily life, in the importance of science today and in the strong belief that we can measure all things, the second one is clearly forgotten and underestimated. Strangely enough it is the second one that rules the most important things in our life. Such questions as: why do we love ?, why do we act ?, and why do we live ? illustrate that we seem to 'know' a lot more than the strictly rational.

The 'knowledge' of the body and the sense, the outer, inner and upper world, ... views of guest speakers and student presentations about this matter will be the subject of the seminar 'Irrational Knowing'.

Luis Bunuel (dreams), Tarkovski (spiritual knowing), Ingmar Bergman (memories, anxiety), Dardenne movies (Le Fils) (the son) and L'enfant (the child) on moral knowing, De Sade (sexual knowing), Claire Dennis (intuitive knowing), David Lunch (Inland Empire)(subconscious knowing), Edvard Munch, Vincent Van Gogh, Marlene Dumas, ...

Intuition, dreams, sexual lust, ancesters and genes, spiritual knowing, the unconscious, moral knowing, the big reservoir of the irrational,... all sources of insight and meaning.

Input of all students. All participants will present their own work and link it to the 'irrational knowing'.

Discussons, debate, sharing of views.

Introductory notes by Johan Teirlinck



50 % written exam/evaluation (in December/January, possibly outside the exam period)

50 % personal presentation of your work, and feedback given to other students


Irrational Knowing (B-LUCA-K84282)

Type : Partiële of permanente evaluatie met examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Mondeling, Schriftelijk, Paper/Werkstuk
Vraagvormen : Open vragen

TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal

Written exam: 50 %

Personal presentation and feedback : 50 %

Same as first session