Dit is een voorlopige versie. Definitieve versie vanaf 15/07/2025.

Van mono naar multiple (B-LUCA-K35057)

Dit is een vertaalde versie. Originele versie in Engels.
6 studiepuntenEngels24 urenTweede semesterTweede semester
Veirman Anja (coördinator) |  Veirman Anja |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

Dit opleidingonderdeel kan ook gevolgd worden door andere studenten van de Associatie KU Leuven.
Studenten van een andere hogeronderwijsinstelling met interesse om dit opleidingsonderdeel te volgen, zullen zich als interuniversitair student bij LUCA moeten inschrijven. Klik hier voor meer informatie.
LET OP: deze cursus heeft beperkingen op het aantal deelnemers!
Voor studenten van de faculteit architectuur zijn er drie plaatsen gereserveerd. Ze worden toegewezen aan de hand van de elective keuze zoals deze georganiseerd wordt door de faculteit architectuur zelf. 

The seminar aims to realise these goals / OLR's: 

3. the student has knowledge and insight in the societal, cultural, artistic, historical and international context of decolonization in the arts

5. the student has an inquisitive and reflective attitude as a starting point for the development of a personal visual language

6. the student understands the specifics of personal designs and/or realizations and communicating about them in an appropriate way to a critical audience



6 sp. Van mono naar multiple (B-LUCA-K51661)

6 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: College-opdracht24 urenTweede semesterTweede semester
Veirman Anja |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

The current decolonization process has many voices, perspectives, and positions. Decolonization is not a univocal, nor linear route, and several obstacles and barriers must be overcome. Which artistic strategies can we imagine to fortify this process and to decolonize ourselves? Which artistic practices can we develop to incorporate more multiplicity in our working ways, presentational modes and (historical) narratives?

The seminar starts with an introduction into the Western history of ‘othering’; a deeply rooted often unconscious mechanism of oppositional dualism that situates otherness - as undesirable and unwanted - outside the self. This leads to polarization, intolerance (also towards ourselves), inequality, and systematic exclusion. As is manifestly clear in our colonial amnesia that is part of a monolithic history, that silences other histories and marginalizes other experiences. How can we recognize and reformulate/make tangible marginalized genealogies, and stimulate self-reflexive awareness of the hierarchic excluding mechanisms we are part of? And how can we create (space for) new multiple narratives, that acknowledge interdependency and reciprocity, and that correspond to the multiplicity of today’s world?

Following an interdisciplinary approach - integrating the site-specificity of the Ter Beken campus with its park and various outdoor spaces - we will work with outdoor observations, body-based and (auto-)ethnographic research methods in combination with a practice of listening, bodily performative experimentation, the exploration of alternative epistemologies and ontologies, and the study of decolonial literature (Achille Mbembe, Rolando Vazquez, Gloria Wekker, Arthuro Escobar, a.o.).  We will address topics such as: systematic discrimination and trauma, extractionism, migration and belonging, placelessness and connectedness, the nomadic artist, shared histories and identities (like Afropeanism), pluriform visions of personhood, transhistorical storytelling, reframing the archive, positionality, identity politics and safe spaces, co-creation as a strategy for collective maker- and authorship, aesthetics of the 21st century.

To do so we will be diving in the works of several artistes, such as Otobong Nkanga, Pélagie Gbaguidi, Pascal Marthine Tayou, Lara Bongard, Maarten Vanden Eynde and Musasa Leu N’seya, Picha Artist Collective and the Lubumbashi Biennale, Sammy Baloji, Hadassa Ngamba, Roland Gunst / John K Cobra, Amanda Pina, Adichi Chimamanda Ngozi, Bernardine Evaristo, Camille Henrot and the Otolith Group artist collective.

Presentations and texts available on Toledo. 

This seminar requires active participation by the students: reading texts and preparing comments to participate in the discussions, and making 1 short presentation. 

The format is interdisciplinairy: combining a practice of listening, bodily performative experimentation, and the study of decolonial literature and/or non-Western ontologies/epistemologies/artistic practices, etc...

Students can integrate personal research matters that are related to the treated subjects: research of family histories/archives, personal experiences and ambitions, collaborations, etc....


Van mono naar multiple (B-LUCA-K75057)

Type : Partiële of permanente evaluatie met examen tijdens de examenperiode
Vraagvormen : Open vragen

TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal

Students are actively participating during the classes: this includes reading texts and commenting them during the meetings, and making 1 short presentation. (20%)

The final evaluation consist of making a written text (the style is free; it can be a paper, essay or more experimental writing format), in dialogue with a collection of images. (80%)

The same criteria than for the first evaluation. 

Students had to be actively participating during the classes: this includes reading texts and commenting them during the meetings, and making 1 short presentation. (20%)

The final evaluation consist of making a written text (the style is free; it can be a paper, essay or more experimental writing format), in dialogue with a collection of images. (80%)