Dit is een voorlopige versie. Definitieve versie vanaf 15/07/2025.

Reverse Perspective [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K34372)

Dit is een vertaalde versie. Originele versie in Engels.
6 studiepuntenEngels1 urenEerste semesterEerste semester
Mühleis Volkmar (coördinator) |  Mühleis Volkmar |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

Dit opleidingonderdeel kan ook gevolgd worden door andere studenten van de Associatie KU Leuven.
Studenten van een andere hogeronderwijsinstelling met interesse om dit opleidingsonderdeel te volgen, zullen zich als interuniversitair student bij LUCA moeten inschrijven. Klik hier voor meer informatie:
LET OP: deze cursus heeft mogelijk beperkingen op het aantal deelnemers!

The aim of this seminar is to theorise and create a thorough, realisable site specific project (knowledge, skill).

The student develops an understanding of the situation, through on location research and analysis (knowledge, skill).

The student enhances his/her perspective through questioning rumination, group discussions and interviews with guest speakers (skill, attitude).

Starting from conceptualization, phase projects are evolved through a parallel logic of site specific relevance and constant critical and theoretical reflection into a concrete project and a theoretical paper. These two outcomes and also the process are interconnected and the main emphasis and aim lies in their interconnectedness and holistic evolution (skill, attitude).


Via deze doelstellingen draagt dit OPO bij tot het realiseren van de volgende domein- en opleidingsspecifieke leerresultaten: 3, 4, 5, 6.

The student is English proficient in his/her/their own discipline-tied insights and discipline-tied methods.

The student can communicate with representatives from his/her/their own discipline, representatives from other disciplines and other members of society.

Corequisite: the student must have followed all Bachelor’s degree courses before or must take up remaining courses of the Bachelor’s degree simultaneously with the master’s seminar.

The student can confront and compare different views, thoughts and methods.

The student can engage in discourse on the given topic and disposes of a cultural, scientific, graphic and technical framework to be able to develop a qualitative discourse on contemporary arts.

The student can develop in a creative way, an answer on new theoretical and practical questions. He/She/They can individually develop a coherent project and theoretical reflexion.

The student is prepared to actively participate in cross-domain discussions between architects, artist, urbanists, lecturers and guest lecturers.

The student has an English proficiency in subjects relating to the broad discipline of architecture or arts. He/She/They is able to communicate his views to representatives of his discipline, to representatives of other disciplines and to members of the general public.

The student is able, in an independent way to develop a project through research by design.

Dit opleidingsonderdeel is identiek aan de volgende opleidingsonderdelen:
K34295 : Masterseminarie Kunst en Architectuur (Niet meer aangeboden dit academiejaar)


6 sp. Reverse Perspective [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K51283)

6 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: College-opdracht1 urenEerste semesterEerste semester
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

'Reverse Perspective' is a practical and theoretical exercise in art and architecture.

Through analysis and research the student achieves understanding of 'perspective' as an open question. Through group discussions and interviews with guestreaders, students are creating different viewpoints.

This cooperative architectural elective and theoretical seminar knows two aspects: first you have to shift site-specific what 'perspective' might be, in a concrete project, second you have to reflect on your project theoretically afterwards. Both aspects will be evaluated equally.

The student, guest speakers, the site, time,...


AA WORDS 2, Anti – object: The dissolution and disintegration of architecture., Kengo Kuma, Translated by Hiroshi Watanabe, 2007, London ,UK, AA publications, ISBN 978-1-902902-52-4

Architecture of time, Hiroshi Sugimoto, 2002, Cologne, Germany, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König, ISBN 3-88375-563-x

Whiteout, Geert Goiris, 2011, Leuven, Belgium, Uitgeverij Acco, ISBN 978 90 334 8603 6

Landscapes, Gerhard Richter, 2011, Ostfildern, Germany, Hatje Cantz Verlag, ISBN 978-3-7757-2639-9

Francis Alÿs, Cuauthémoc Medina, Russel Ferguson, Jean Fisher, 2007, New York, US, Phaidon Press Inc., ISBN 978-0-7148-4321-6

Via group discussions, presentations and excursions we will do practical and theoretical research on the notion of 'Reverse Perspective'. 

If necessary, due to the COVID-19 measures, alternative assignments are given via Toledo. 


Reverse Perspective [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K74372)

Type : Partiële of permanente evaluatie met examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Praktijkexamen, Paper/Werkstuk, Procesevaluatie
Vraagvormen : Open vragen
Leermateriaal : Cursusmateriaal

TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal

Evaluation format:

Permanent evaluation (various formats like ppt presentation, desk crit session, exhibition, peer review, digital delivery, presentation on paper format, discussions).
Assessment method: the student gives an oral presentation of his/her/their practical design project and theoretical reflection paper to an evaluation team, which is composed of the studio teacher and the theory teacher.

Both aspects will be graded on 50% of the total mark.


If the student doesn't respect the deadline that was registered and communicated unambiguously, the task will be considered as non-delivered. The student will receive a NA (niet afgelegd/not participated) for this (sub)task. This rule applies to all kinds of tasks that must be delivered. As prescribed, every task has to be delivered towards the examinator, personally and/or by TOLEDO.

If the student due to force majeure can't make the deadline or attend the moment of evaluation, he/she/their has to deliver the task in its current condition on the given deadline. The task can be delivered by a third person in exchange for a receipt or it can be sent by e-mail to the titular (photos can be sent as well). The material that has been delivered will be perceived as the current condition of the task at that moment.

The student has to participate actively during the educational sessions.

(If there are any changes in the evaluation modalities due to the corona measures, the students will be informed via Toledo.)

Er is geen tweede examenkans.

The rules for exam and re-exam are the same.