This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2025.

Music History Jazz, part 2 [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-L42857)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch18 Second termSecond term
Anthonissen Peter (coordinator) |  Anthonissen Peter |  N.
LUCA POC MUSIC & DRAMA (OC instr/zang, jazz, muziekpedagogie, muziektherapie Leuven)

This course unit can also be taken by other students of the Association KU Leuven. 
Students of other higher education institutions will have to register as a LUCA Interuniversity Student. More information.

NOTE: this course unit might have restrictions on the number of participants!


3 ects. Music History Jazz, part 2 (B-LUCA-L55063)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-assignment18 Second termSecond term
Anthonissen Peter |  N.
LUCA POC MUSIC & DRAMA (OC instr/zang, jazz, muziekpedagogie, muziektherapie Leuven)


    Music History Jazz, part 2 (B-LUCA-L82857)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
    Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : None

    AssessmentGrading scale
    TOTAL1-20/20 scale