This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2025.

School of Equals (B-LUCA-K34601)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch12 Second termSecond term
Van Dorpe Stijn (coordinator) |  Magerman Maureen |  Van Dorpe Stijn |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Gent)

1. Can collaborate with people and can set up a joint artistic research. (# OLR 5)

2. Can collect research material, testimonies, stories, situations in public, semi-public or private environments (such as the art academy) can analyse that material and use it for the production of a reflective artistic work and/or a reflective educational project. (# OLR 7,8)

3. Can independently gain insights into the (dominant) structures that generate dominant meanings within social, educational and art contexts and can freely process, change, reconnect or move these structures but within the context of a visual work/process that aims at a more equal society. (# OLR 9)

4. Is able to deal with theory as practice, to see the content of theoretical texts not merely as a cognitive category of thinking but to embody it within a practice. 

5. Has an understanding of the notion of un-learning, knows its importance and is able to apply that understanding in an educational context by means of artistic work processes.

6. Has notion of decolonial and intersectional feminist frameworks and can apply them within own work processes.


3 ects. School of Equals (B-LUCA-K51514)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical12 Second termSecond term
Magerman Maureen |  Van Dorpe Stijn |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Gent)

As part of the "School of Equals" course, students take part in a workshop that is often attended by external guests, e.g. other arts practitioners, people who have difficult access to arts or educational institutions, or who have received alternative education... This workshop will reflect on the accessibility of arts and arts education and on mechanisms of exclusion and inequality. Hierarchical relationships within educational and arts institutions are broken down through conversations, artistic practises and forms of learning together. The research is done collectively in an equal collaboration and has an artistic method and form. In this workshop we use a decolonial and intersectional feminist framework.

In addition to the intensive workshop week, several guest speakers relevant to the topic are invited throughout the academic year.

A workshop given by an internal and external artists/educators/curators in which a joint artistic process is entered into and where also a theoretical input is given. 


School of Equals (B-LUCA-K74601)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale


A retake option is only possible if attended the workshop and thus the first change of succes. The retake exists of a task that will be communicated after the workshop.