This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2025.

Common Grounds [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K44055)

6 ECTSEnglish36 First termFirst termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Verpoest Klaas (coordinator) |  Jacquemyn Peter |  Pillaert Jan |  Verpoest Klaas |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC beeldverhaal, fotografie, media- en informationdesign, vrije kunsten Brussel)

This course unit can also be taken by other students of the Association KU Leuven. 
Students of other higher education institutions will have to register as a LUCA Interuniversity Student. More information.

NOTE: this course unit might have restrictions on the number of participants!

The ‘Common Grounds’ course is an experimental practice based research into the transmedia applications of the various modalities of sound and vision. The course offers students a platform for exploring the boundaries and synergy between both their own medium and various forms of presentation. Special attention is given to the common ground between different media and different approaches: analogue, digital, visual, sound, verbal, movement, etc.

This interdisciplinary project resides at BAC ART LAB - Leuven and results in an evening performance in collaboration with STUK - Leuven. The course invites musicians, visual artists and performers to experiment with new presentation formats, originating in their own practice with the aim of realizing an interdisciplinary artwork.

For further information visit:


6 ects. Common Grounds [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K61198)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical36 First termFirst term
Jacquemyn Peter |  Pillaert Jan |  Verpoest Klaas |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC beeldverhaal, fotografie, media- en informationdesign, vrije kunsten Brussel)

The interdisciplinary cross-campus collaboration unites musicians, actors and visual artists to experiment with multimedia starting from their own practice and to realize an interdisciplinary performance.  The artistic finality  expresses the processes, methods, discoveries, new insights, knowledge ,interventions - in actions and words, in complex and simple, conventional and unconventional, robust and fragile ways. Collaboration between students is strongly encouraged. The students agree on the process they follow and what the final output will be.

The master Elective Common Grounds is organized during the first semester in 3 sessions. The sessions will be organized in the BAC ART LAB in Leuven, a workplace for contemporary art at KU Leuven and STUK - House for Dance, Image and Sound in Leuven. The last session and the premiere will be organized in collaboration with STUK.


Friday 27.10.23 | 9h30 – 17h00 | BAC: Kick-Off ---- project presentation & group sessions. 
Introduction to the elective, each other and initiating the project. 
- 14h00 | STUK Labozaal: visit performance space  
- 15h00 | STUK: guided visit expo Ben Rivers 
Monday + Tuesday 30+31.10.2023 | 9h30 – 17h30 | BAC:  
Two days of improvisation: workshop with Geraldo Si (BR)  

Thursday 02.11.2023 | 9h30 – 17h30 | BAC : project session 
Groups/performers created and presentation concepts 
14.11.23: Preliminary Technical Rider + Start event communication STUK 
Friday 24.11.23 | 9h30 – 17h30 | Terrarium, LUCA Brussel : project session. 
Groups/performers create and present a first draft of their work 

Tuesday + Wednesday 19+20.12.23 | STUK :  Build-up, rehearsal and performance  
During these two days we work towards the performance with the technical crew of STUK. 
Tuesday 19.12.23 | 14h00-23h00 | | Labozaal STUK: technical + rehearsal  
Wednesday 20.12.23 | 10h00-15h00 | | Labozaal STUK: technical + rehearsal 

·       Wednesday 20.12.23 | 20h00 | Labozaal STUK: Performance 
In between the October and November session we are available for individual feedback on your project where needed. 


Common Grounds [ASSOC] (B-LUCA-K84055)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation
Learning material : None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

The student is able to:
- elaborate his / her concept in a meaningful and original way and shows this through the work process.
- to develop a creative and thorough work process that proves that the student can master techniques and applications independently from practically oriented research and professional interest.
- to initiate thoughtful experiments of which the quality is measured on the basis of the reasoning that emerges during the final presentation.
- to designate a personal continuity of interests within the whole of the products and to be able to formulate new productive questions on that basis.

The student is able to:
- present the final project and the chosen starting points in a substantiated way, as separate projects and as parts of a work process.
- defend the choice of documentation and presented media used.
- select the necessary elements from the collected documentation of both the context and the work process to represent context and process as clearly as possible.
- to demonstrate that he / she / they can make a constructive contribution to a multimedia end result from his / her / they own practice.

Attitudes and skills
The student is able to:
- independently collect additional information or knowledge in order to develop a more personal and original trajectory, in addition to the information and knowledge offered.
- distinguish strengths and weaknesses within his / her work process, whether or not in dialogue with the supervisor, in order to be able to work on this through self-directed remediation or specialization.

No 2nd examination opportunity.

it is not possible to retake this elective in the third semester