This is a temporary version. The final version will be available on 15/07/2025.

Art, Public and Market (B-LUCA-K34370)

6 ECTSEnglish1 Second termSecond term
Késenne Sarah (coordinator) |  Van den Abeele Hannelore |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

intellectual-artistic objectives

The student is familiar with critical perspectives and practices about creative industries, art markets and the relation between the notion of ‘commons’ and contemporary art practices. (knowledge)

The student can critically comment on realisations and evolutions within art. (knowledge)

The student can apply acquired knowledge to new material. The student can conceptualize projects and scenarios related to the themes of the course. (skill)

The student is able to reflect critically about his or her own artistic practice. (attitude)

The student is able to position artistic practices in a broader context (knowledge)

The student is able to relate the critical reflection about his or her artistic practice to the theoretical notions discussed in the course (knowledge, skills, attitude)

The student can critically question and interpret substantive and discursive evolutions within the artistic field (skill).

The student knows how to position his or her artistic work towards current artistic events (attitude).

research objectives

The student is familiar with perspectives, questions and methods used within research on creative industries (knowledge).

The student is able to interpret, apply and contrast the theories seen. (knowledge, skills)

The student can gather, select and synthesize information about collective and communal practices. (skill)

The student can explore the relationships and exchanges between different art practices and perspectives, for a better understanding of authorial dimensions in their own art or design practice. (skills, attitude) 

The student can integrate gained experiences and insights in his of her artistic process and arrives at the conceptualization and partial realization of a (visual) scenario. (skill, attitude)


The student possesses the necessary discipline and autonomy to continue to develop his/her (own) practice (in the changing social context).

The student can take final responsibility for the realization of an (artistic) project in a team context.


These goals aim to achieve the following OLR:s: 1, 3, 4, 6

no prerequisites

This course is identical to the following courses:
K34306 : Master's Seminar: Art, Public and Market (No longer offered this academic year)


6 ects. Art, Market and Commons (B-LUCA-K51281)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment1 Second termSecond term
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC grafisch ontwerp, textielontwerp, vrije kunsten Gent)

In this master seminar the focus is on a collective research of critical practices and perspectives related to the creative industries and art markets, with special attention to the notion of the commons. We reflect on the impact of neoliberal politics on the arts and cultural policy, also in Belgium and Flanders. The seminar also introduces a frame of reference to get an understanding of the notion of the "commons" as a popular concept in certain artistic circles. This notion is associated with self-governance, solidarity and new forms of living together and the believe that peer-to-peer relationships will produce new modes of production and new relations of production. We critically explore artistic responses and experiments that react to these effects of marketization. We look into concrete examples of art collectives who try to create more sustainable, self-organized and self-regulating modes of collaboration and organisation. We discuss strategies in works and projects of artists such as Robin Vanbesien, Ronny Heiremans and Katleen Vermeir, and organizations such as L'Asilo, Timelab, Future Farmers, SOTA, Caveat, Ruangrupa or The Land Foundation, ...

The students will engage in research trajectories of collective organisation forms in the arts and organise a presentation or conversation related to these research trajectories, in which they engage in a dialogue about these projects with peers. The students also work on individual or collective (audio)visual responses to these trajectories by which they relate these insights to their own practice.

The reader, powerpoints, links and films will be posted on Toledo. Students should watch movies and read texts in preparation for the classes and presentations. 

Learning content provided by the instructor is interspersed with group discussions, assignments, exhibition visits, cases, research presentations, fieldwork.

Students are expected to give active input during the lectures:

- students make relations between the theoretical perspectives of the course and proposed artistic practices

- students critically analyze texts and practices that are discussed during lectures;

- students visit exhibitions and projects and critically comment on them against the given deadline;

- students give short presentations on given topics;  

- students organise a public conversation collectively on a topic related to the course

Study visits or field trips are possible within this course unit.

Depending on the safety measures, the seminar will be organized online or semi-online. The seminar is built on online seminars and a self-study program.  


Art, Market and Commons (B-LUCA-K74370)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : Course material

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTALPass / Fail

Type and description : 

-peer conversations, participation during contact hours, intermediary presentations (50 %)

-presentation or conversation (30%)

-assignment:  paper (20 %)


Number of evaluation opportunities per academic year: 2

Students should be participating during the seminar (a participation presence of 80% is required to have access to the examination)
