GD Personal Project 1st Term [EXC] (B-LUCA-N44029)

Dit is een vertaalde versie. Originele versie in Engels.
6 studiepuntenEngels30 urenEerste semesterEerste semester
Clerebout Robby (coördinator) |  Clerebout Robby |  Gielis Robin |  Jacobs Jeff |  Vreys Nicky |  N.  | MinderMeer
LUCA POC AUDIOVISUAL ARTS & MEDIA (OC animatie, game design, televisie- film Genk)

The Personal Project Game is an individual assignment in which students incorporate knowledge gained from the core subjects into a total game project. The students demonstrate their ability to independently develop all aspects of the project and demonstrate their basic mastery of the three pillars of the training. The student can: - conduct preliminary research into the specified context for the personal project; - propose different designs of different game concepts; - prepare documentation to clarify the proposed game concepts; - design a game, develop it graphically and technically implement it; - independently organize the process, document it and ultimately present the entire project. Furthermore, it is important that students can deal with their strengths and weaknesses and can master the three pillars within the direction (concept, technical, and visual) to a basic level. They are expected to master the entire process. A high degree of independence and professionalism is also expected from students. The final competencies or course-specific learning outcomes (including behavioral indicators) for the entire Audiovisual Arts Genk course can be found under 'objectives' at the course level. In this course the following behavioral indicators are tested: 1,5,7,8,9,15,16,17,20,21,23


6 sp. GD Personal Project 1st Term [EXC] (B-LUCA-N62643)

6 studiepuntenEngels30 urenEerste semesterEerste semester
Clerebout Robby |  Gielis Robin |  Jacobs Jeff |  Vreys Nicky |  N.
LUCA POC AUDIOVISUAL ARTS & MEDIA (OC animatie, game design, televisie- film Genk)

The personal project aims to see to what extent the student can handle the three pillars (Visuals, Concept, and Tech) of the course. The student is expected to demonstrate that he has mastered the three pillars and that he can independently produce a game from start to finish. To achieve this, the student must individually develop a game throughout the year within a given context. This context is determined and communicated at the beginning of the year. The three pillars that are assessed are as follows: - Game Visuals: The students must obtain a coherent visual elaboration that fits the context and the big picture of the game. Emphasis is placed on the way in which the visuals support and enhance the gameplay. - Game Tech: The students must achieve an error-free implementation of their gaming systems. Emphasis is placed on thoughtfully implementing game systems and mastering one's own code. - Game Concept: Students must demonstrate a mastery of the formal elements of games and the translation of the game experience to the game system. Emphasis is placed on thoughtfully supporting an experience through gaming systems.

The assignment including accompanying information and study material is made available via Toledo.

The main language of the contacts is Dutch.

If the lessons are followed by Erasmus students, the subjects can be taught in English.

Documentation, guest speakers or study visits can occasionally be given in English (or French, German, etc.).

You will work individually on 1 major assignment for a full academic year. The students receive feedback at interim moments, but are responsible for their planning and processing of the feedback. It is up to the students to independently organize playtests and schedule interim deadlines. Within the personal project, the expectation is that the student will work on and deliver his project in a professional manner. This also means that deadlines, presentations, and deliverables are strictly respected.

Practical Practical lessons/studios/... will take place (in small groups) on campus if safety conditions permit. If this is not possible, digital guidance sessions are provided. Assignment The students work individually on the assignment. Information about the deadline and how to submit the assignment can be found on Toledo.



TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal

The student is assessed on the process on the one hand and the end result on the other. The process (effort throughout the year, interim feedback events and presentations) is assessed on the basis of a pass/fail in both January and June. It goes without saying that the student must pass this (in June) to successfully complete the course. Please note: the January score is indicative and provides an idea of ​​the trajectory up to then. The student can still pick this up in June. The end result, which is presented as a possible commercial product, is assessed with a mark out of 20. The three pillars (Visuals, Tech and Concept) and the presentation/presentation of the project including critical reflection on the process are taken into account. Individual guidance, interim evaluations, exam juries and debriefings, practical lessons, workshops, etc. will take place on campus as much as possible (in small groups). If this is not possible, digital sessions will be provided.

The resit/re-exam consists of reworking/improving the assignment and presenting it again.

It is assessed on the basis of the same criteria as in June.


There is no (process) guidance during the second examination period.

The workshops/studios cannot be used during the summer closure. ​

There is a limited possibility to lend material.​