Master's Graduate Project Media & Information Design (B-LUCA-K43112)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
30 ECTSDutch42 Both termsBoth termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Debackere Boris (coordinator) |  Debackere Boris |  Devleminck Steven |  N.
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC beeldverhaal, fotografie, media- en informationdesign, vrije kunsten Brussel)

The masterproof, is a body of work, installed by the governing authorities through which the student finishes his/her academic studies. This academic masterproof is an integrated project consisting of a graduation project and a thesis.

The graduation project should be meaningful within the professional and academic context and should contain personal insights and a personal visual language. The project will be verbally presented during the masterjury (physical attendance required). The thesis is relevant to the graduation project and consists of original (by the student) ideas and concepts which should be motivated and which should contain the relevant methodological approach and content.

While the subject and context of the thesis should be focussing on the artistic practice (as developed in the practical part), the final result of the thesis should meet formal academic requirements regarding content and methodology.

The thesis should demonstrate that the student is capable to:

  • outline a well defined research question(s) and/or problem(s) related to the broader field of Information design and to develop the relevant ideas and solutions related to the artistic/design practice;
  • set up a relevant research methodology and use it in the context of the masterproof;
  • refer to the relevant sources both in practice and theory, relevant to the defined research question, to read and interpret them accurately and use them independently;
  • synthesize and evaluate the research findings;
  • develop a personal/original and critical view regarding the chosen subject;
  • make relevant conclusions stemming from the literature research, the practical work, the field of information design and the chosen subject.

This OPO contributes to the realisation of the following specific learning results:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Relevant (accepted and official) diploma which grants access to the master. Assessment.


21 ects. Graduate Project Media & Information Design (B-LUCA-K64448)

21 ECTSDutchFormat: Master's thesis30 Both termsBoth terms
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC educatieve master Brussel)

Production-wise, the graduation project meets professional standards and is meaningful within the academic Media and Information Design program and the professional field. It contains its own concepts and shows the student's own visual language. It is presented orally and physically by the student to the master jury. (see calibration framework master's thesis: graduation project). The graduation project is the practical and artistic realization of a chosen problem and research question relevant within the broad field of Information Design. The thesis is the contextualization of this process in written form. The graduation project and thesis contribute an inseparable whole and testify to the student's academic ability to conduct academic / artistic research.    

Practice-based research or artistic research is an original investigation undertaken in order to gain new knowledge partly by means of practice and the outcomes of that practice. Whilst the significance and context of the claims are described in words, a full understanding can only be obtained with direct reference to the outcomes.

Research is primarily defined in terms of research processes rather than outputs. This definition is built around three key features of any research proposal:                

  • It must define a series of research questions or problems that will be addressed in the course of the research. It must also define its objectives in terms of seeking to enhance knowledge and understanding relating to the questions or problems to be addressed.                       
  • It must specify a research context for the questions or problems to be addressed. It must specify why it is important that these particular questions or problems should be addressed, what other research is being or has been conducted in this area and what particular contribution this project will make to the advancement of creativity, insights, knowledge and understanding in this area.                                               
  • It must specify the research methods for addressing and answering the research questions or problems. In the course of the research project, how to seek to answer the questions, or advance available knowledge and understanding of the problems must be shown. It should also explain the rationale for the chosen research methods and why they provide the most appropriate means by which to answer the research questions.                        
  • Creative output can be produced, or practice undertaken, as an integral part of the research process. However, the outcomes of practice must be accompanied by documentation of the research process, as well as some form of textual analysis or explanation to support its position and to demonstrate critical reflection.


Own notes, slides, literature, artistic design.

Engels. Individuele begeleiding kan in het Nederlands plaatsvinden als de student dit wenst.

English. Individual supervision may be done in Dutch if the student prefers.


Teachers can organize group moments, presentations and individual meetings to follow the general evolution of the student's practice.

9 ects. Thesis Media & Information Design (B-LUCA-K64449)

9 ECTSDutch12 Both termsBoth terms
LUCA POC GRADUATE (OC beeldverhaal, fotografie, media- en informationdesign, vrije kunsten Brussel)

While the subject and context of the thesis should be focussing on the artistic practice (as developed in the practical part), the final result of the thesis should meet formal academic requirements regarding content and methodology.

The thesis should demonstrate that the student is capable to:

  • outline a well defined research question(s) and/or problem(s) related to the broader field of Information design and to develop the relevant ideas and solutions related to the artistic/design practice;
  • set up a relevant research methodology and use it in the context of the masterproof;
  • Refer to the relevant sources both in practice and theory, relevant to the defined research question, to read and interpret them accurately and use them independently;
  • synthesize and evaluate the research findings;
  • develop a personal/original and critical view regarding the chosen subject;
  • make relevant conclusions stemming from the literature research, the practical work, the field of information design and the chosen subject.

English or Dutch

The student works independently to a large extent. He / she is assigned an individual supervisor who monitors and supervises his / her work process by:

- giving feedback on and evaluating his / her progress
- checking whether agreements made have been fulfilled
- referral to specialized support or guidance
- solving small practical problems
- monitoring the substantive depth of the learning objectives and asking stimulating questions.


Master's Graduate Project Media and Information Design (B-LUCA-K83112)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Project/Product, Presentation, Participation during contact hours

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale
K64448 - Graduate Project Media & Information Design1-20/20 scale
K64449 - Thesis Media & Information Design1-20/20 scale

The thesis forms 9 credits of the masterproof and will be assessed by the tutors and the promotor.

Formal requirements thesis:
1 Content: conform the academic standard of the master programme
Student should demonstrate that he/she is capable of:
a) developing aims and objectives starting form the practical work of the graduation project
b) to develop an adequate methodology
c) make reference to the correct links in literature and practice
d) formulating his insights clearly;
e) to develop a personal view and context;
f) to draw relevant conclusion out of the research.
2. Formal:
minimum of 6000 and maximum 8000 words (this corresponds more or less to 20 pages Times New Roman corps 12, interlinie 1,5). The thesis has a content table and may contain visual material.

The graduation project will be presented (physically present) and verbally defended to a jury of internal and external experts (minimum of 3). The tutors are part of the jury, the graduation project counts for 21 credits of the masterproof

The sucessfully succeed students should obtain at least 50% on the graduation project. Students should also be present during the required sessions throughout the year.